The anti-Robert Abela Cabal

There is no one politician or MEPs in both the PN and the PL that I am particularly inclined toward. Both parties are disgusting beyond disgust. They have become the pits. And the PL has also ticked the box that it is against free press, and tries to silence anyone who is not giving the people the narrative and the propaganda that the same PL wants. The PN cannot do much when it comes to free press, because it is so asleep that no kiss of any prince will wake it up just like it woke up Snow White.

I remind the readers that it was the same Labour Party propaganda machine driven by Robert Abela that thought that I could be controlled, mocked, ridiculed, and have my credibility undermined by taking my parents to a national TV station to talk about how well my dad was treated in the hospital during his alleged COVID ‘disease’ and how good he feels after taking the COVID-19 vaccine so to get more votes pre-election. Journalists were sent to their home. This was a very below-the-belt move from the PL thinking that it will shut my mouth up. It didn’t. I adore my parents, but I am a different cloth from my family.

Maybe the Labour government would like to take my parents again to the national TV station again, now, pre-EU elections, with my consent, so that they can inform the nation how sick they were after the booster, how mum’s mother has turned blind after being administered 4 doses [we have never had eye problems in the family] and how mum has come to the realisation that the vaccines are killing people. I pray that nothing happens to my vaccinated parents daily.

And yet, I did not go on a spree of revenge, like the PL did. It would be wiser for the Prime Minister to seek to stand tall to be counted against the cabal that would have him out.

When he was interviewed on the Valletta streets on his way to lie to court, Chris Fearne reiterated in his usual smug way that he has resigned from his post as deputy prime minister and from the nomination as Health Commissioner for the EU for the benefit of the country. He keeps on lying. Fearne is part of the anti-Robert Abela Cabal. Let us remind ourselves that Dr Joseph Muscat had pushed Profs Edward Scicluna, Finance Minister at the time, in the party’s deputy leadership election to fill the deputy PM position, and hoped that Dr Fearne would not make it. This speaks a million words untold. It was such a sad and black day for this country that Fearne made it and as Daphne had rightly pointed out “At some point over the next couple of years, Dr Fearne is going to become dissatisfied with being merely the deputy PM and not the actual Prime Minister, and he has the sort of personality which will make him think nothing of seeing Dr Muscat off if it suits him. And what’s more, because his personality is far more powerful than Muscat’s – yes, it is, I’ve taken note – he will succeed.” He did try, with his appetite for raw, unbridled power, to become Prime Minister, but he did not succeed, but he managed to succeed in being given positions in the WHO, because the former deputy PM has always been ready to obey any agenda in order to satisfy his thirst for raw, unbridled power. But he did try to become Malta’s PM, because he has the sort of personality which made him think nothing of seeing Dr Abela off if it suits him.

Let us remind ourselves that some ministers took Abela’s side while others took that of Fearne. Silvio Schembri, for example, who is another optimum candidate for the narcissistic and cocky brigade in the PL, had taken Fearne’s side on the premises that if Fearne becomes PM, Schembri will become the Minister for Finance. The usual, I scratch your back and you scratch mine.

Then we got Emanuel Cuschieri. If you want to know how the propaganda’s voice sounds like, listen to him talking. We do get these characters throughout history. We all know that Cuschieri’s radio programme on ONE was stopped. Il-qażba ma ċċaqċaqx għalxejn. Cuschieri was a great fan of the Invictus and he thought he would become an invictus himself. Maybe some air from the Invictus brushed off on him. When Cuschieri was still working in the party’s customer care, he was not doing his job well which became damaging to the PL, and this was seen in quite a negative light by many people. When Cuschieri became Mr. Nobody, because Abela decided so, he remained a staunch supporter of the Invictus up to his defence, so that hopefully he can regain the support and the love of the majority of the labourites. Now he is either live on Facebook or on Smash Communications.

U Robert Abela jsaffar fin-nofs!

What’s the connection with Fearne? Listen to the speech that Fearne made with the journalists on Valletta’s road by Newsbook, and at the end, you get a glimpse of Emanuel Cuschieri wearing black finding his way among the journalists and shaking Fearne’s hand. There is no doubt that he is in Fearne’s defense.

Then you can add the writer of “Fables, fairytales and beyond”, Mark Camilleri, who was unceremoniously removed from the post by Robert Abela. I am sure Robert Abela had his valid reasons, but Camilleri started venting his anger at everything associated with Abela, and also at anyone he did not like or who refuse to give him donations. Everything boils down to subjectivity, when it comes to sly Mark Camilleri of “Fables, fairytales and beyond.” But he does not write against Fearne, of course. There is no doubt in my mind that Camilleri is part of Fearne’s cabal either because Fearne gives Camilleri a lot of donations, which puts one on the good books of the other, and/or because he’s a puppet of the Caruana Galizias who have their hands in the till of the COVID-19 vaccines, in cahoots with Fearne as a former health minister, in cahoots with shareholders like Andrew Borg Cardona “il-boċċa.” Please read here.

This is the ilk that Robert Abela has to deal with.

In addition, among the self-employed staunch labourites and those labourites who try to avoid paying taxes, also evaded by the rich while the middle class keeps on being robbed by the minute because in no way they can avoid this communist tax slavery system, the word goes that under the Invictus they were freer and could find more ways and means to evade taxes and earn more money. But under Abela, whom they nicknamed ‘the dittatur’ they cannot evade taxes. But I come to his defense at this.

This is the ilk [and you can add more] that Robert Abela has to deal with. This does not mean that Abela is a saint. By far, he has a lot of shortcomings as a Prime Minister. But I honestly has not yet understood what his role in politics is.

Robert Abela must come down from his matrix of illusion. His speeches and statements are completely out of touch with reality. Listening to him speak is like listening to Bernard Grech. They both go from the ridiculous to the depth of ridicule in their political rhetoric.

He must stop relying on statistics which do not show reality at all. He has no clear vision of the country. He defends the multiculturalism agenda. He is on record stating that “it is deceitful to say that the health sector can operate without foreign workers, adding that the government had embarked on a plan to create a rigorous set-up for temping agencies.”

He gives mixed messages and he plays the convenient role – when it suits him, he says one thing, when it doesn’t suit him or the party, he says the opposite.

The family’s law firm, Abela Advocates did not only have a contract with Malta’s Planning Authority before Labour came into power in 2013 but this contract has been renewed annually ever since. Is Abela and the firm benefitting from direct orders for legal services for public entities like Enemalta and Transport Malta? Gentle reminder that he acted as legal representative of Air Malta with his father and former President George Abela being the mediator and chief negotiator in talks with Air Malta’s pilots. It is useless for Abela to state that there was no conflict of interest. Politicians should refrain from being involved in public entities and any private entity from which they are receiving bribes. A reminder that the same family law firm held a licence (IIP 161) for the sale of the Maltese passport after 2013, in the name of his wife Lydia Abela. Although this license was dropped in early 2020 when he was elected to Prime Minister, I still see a lot of “everything in the party” [kollox jibqa’ fil-partit].

He must find ways and means of doing a clean-up – maybe he wants to have a look at what is reported about him here if he wants to be remembered as the Prime Minister who has brought about change in this country, before it is too late għax iż-żewġ partiti qed idaħħluna ġo ħajt ikrah. Once we are cornered, and with our back to the wall, it is there that we will be struck, because there will be nowhere else where we could run.

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