Robert Abela’s push for euthanasia is also part of the depopulation program, another agenda on the population control of the United Nations

In its article, Times of Malta preferred to focus more on the topic of abortion. We cannot expect anything better.

But in a one-liner, TOM also referred to the topic of euthanasia, along with reforms in the family court.

“On Monday evening, Abela said that other topics that needed to be discussed were euthanasia and reforms in the family court.”

And now Abela is making another U-turn. I remind you that he is on record condemning euthanasia, in which he brought up, indirectly, my dad, to whom he referred to as his friend, stating that if the law of euthanasia was in place, my dad might not have made it. And yet my dad came out alive because only the Creator has a say on life and death, dear Robert Abela, not you or the UN. You are not the Creator.

And maybe you would like to hear of a beautiful experience that dad told us once he was recovering back home. Albeit he rarely remembers anything what happened to him from the minute he was put in ITU 6 to the minute he woke up in ITU1, once he told us that he remembers feeling something strange and then he asking, in his mind, ‘Shall I leave my wife alone?’ It is here that he chose life and decided to come back. This is while he was still bottled with anaesthesia, remdesivir and ventilated. Asking dad what was this kind of strange feeling, he told me it is very hard to explain but it’s like he was lifted up.

Embrace yourselves for another sale of euthanasia under various deceiving acronyms like ‘MAID’ (medical aid in dying) which truly is just a doctor providing an adult with a prescription for a lethal dose of a drug which the patient intends to use to end his or her life.

Embrace yourselves for another campaign by the euthanasia shills with slogans like ‘Dignity in dying’ or ‘Compassion’ or ‘My life, my choice’ – similar to ‘My body, my choice.’

Robert Abela is doing pacts with the devil and declaring a holy war, in his quest to distort the nation’s moral compass to suit the United Nations.

Euthanasia is just another agenda on the population control board of the United Nations. They have to find any means possible to bring the population down.

We are already under the one world government – which is the UN giving out orders to all worldwide governments, which they have to execute. And the PL, with the blessing of Robert Abela, is doing the UN’s bidding.

Euthanasia is just ‘assisted suicide’ and ‘murder.’

X (Formerly Twitter)