Robert Abela, the Prime Minister who lives on Cloud Nine, surrounded by the wrong economists

Robert Abela is the Prime Minister who lives on cloud nine. His reflections and speech at the closing of the presentation of the fourth annual State of the Nation survey show this.

He finally woke up and admitted that “people want the government to move ‘at a quicker pace’ towards an economic model that improves their quality of life and away from one focused just on economic growth.” This site has been complaining about the low quality of life that the shitty economy that both parties, mind you, have given us throughout the years, with Muscat’s being the climax of the shitty heap, endlessly, but it has to be a survey for Robert Abela to come down from his cloud and feel the pulse of the nation. I wonder if he lives on this island at times.

So can you tell us how will you improve our quality of life? Are you deporting all the illegal and legal migrants? If you do, will the EU cut funds? Or UN funds? Does he read and study? I doubt it, because if he does, he should know that multiculturalism has never produced anything worthwhile. Security experts alerted European leaders to the possibility that ratifying the Lisbon Treaty may spark a civil war due to multiculturalism. However, our adored politicians signed it because they enjoy having dictatorial authority. Deporting every non-European would solve the majority of our issues. In fact, according to Eurostat data, Europeans do not mind mingling with one another as long as the cultures and identities are compatible which also confirms Braudel’s theory. So, dear Prime Minister, will you be deporting them?In addition, will you be deporting all those who have turned out to be dangerous individuals, living amongst us, and putting our nation’s security at risk? Once upon a time, just before pre-EP election, a small party here, called Imperium Europa, talked about the problems of multiculturalism. But it was called a racist. Now, it is being proven right.

Will we have all the trees which were uprooted, back? Will we have the Paola parish square back, for example and the Ta’ Xbiex promenade, with its once large and beautiful trees? Fields? Valleys? Will we have some nature restored in this nation, and I am not referring to these enclosed ‘green’ spaces, which cost this nation millions when Malta gave us its nature for free, once upon a time!

Here comes another cloud nine statement of his when he praised Malta’s unprecedented economic growth – “we don’t even remember what it means to have economic growth under 3%, like that of other EU countries,” he said. From which shitty economic model does he speak? Let me tell you one thing. Abela, just like Muscat was, is surrounded by the wrong economists whose economic theory leads to disaster. Bobby’s economists are all Fabian Socialists (that is, Marxist Communists), Keynesians, that is, they all endorse the mechanism of the Fabian Socialist John Maynard Keynes and his economic theory, and post-modernists. They keep going round the same shit and the same shitty economic model, keeping all of us lower classes and middle-classes going up and down on the same stairs of oppression.

There is no different approach, and Malta is heading towards a downward spiral, because at one point, when a rubber band is stretched too far, it will first experience deformation and eventually, it will reach a fracturing point and snap. What Bobby’s economists must do is come up with a new theory but even if they do, they won’t succeed imminently. Why? Because such a process will take ten years of discussion [of the ideas] and another ten years to implement them. In the meantime, the lower classes, and especially the middle-class, will continue to live under oppression, and their back is breaking. Once upon a time, just pre-EP election, a small party here named Imperium Europa gave a very strong economic model. Now it is being proven right.

“Abela acknowledged that Malta’s economic growth had introduced new challenges, particularly in terms of pressure on Malta’s infrastructure and demographics, that need to be prioritised.” Challenges? You have all unleashed hell on us. We are living in hell, truly. And we are already experiencing blackouts, in these early days of Summer.

“But he hit back at claims that Malta’s economic model depends on constant population growth, describing this analysis as “mistaken.” “In reality, it’s the economy that has brought people over, not the other way around,” he said.

Prime Minister Robert Abela is not only living on cloud nine, but he also buries his head in the sand and moreover it seems that he wears ears’ condoms. Isn’t our economic growth based on exploitation? Isn’t it, according to former Minister of Finance, Edward Scicluna, that if it weren’t for foreigners, there wouldn’t be enough for the pensions? Isn’t it the lack of decent salaries that increased the influx of foreigners? If workers were limited, salaries would have to rise. Isn’t the rise in the living wage a better quality of life, dear Prime Minister?

So, dear Prime Minister, it was not the economy which brought immigrants over. It was originally the policy on the building industry, causing the demand bigger than the supply, hence more construction, higher rental prices, and more non-European foreigners.

But if there aren’t enough foreigners the property industry will go down, for the simple reason that the supply will be bigger than the demand as there will be too many vacant properties. But the labour government, in cahoots with its friends, the developers, won’t do that. After all, it is Muscat’s pro-business regime in a country where the selfish framework is one of ‘I’m ok, fuck you Jack.’

For the time being, rogue landlords are accommodating several to a room with exploitation left unchecked. So, dear Prime Minister, there is no need for you “to analyse how these workers are meeting our needs as a nation, all the while analysing the skills of Maltese workers.” They are not meeting any of our needs. The government should be bringing back the manual skills that the Maltese had: carpentry, shoemaking, and an endless list. Għax issa f’daqqa waħda qisna m’aħniex kapaċi sirna! Hekk qed jgħid Abela.

It is also ‘great’ to read Abela’s statement that multiculturalism has brought “skills and cultures from which we can benefit”. What skills, specifically? They work in the health industry, transport, deliveries, catering and construction industry. Are these skills that the Maltese do not possess? What cultures, specifically? Sushi? African and Asian groceries? Ingliż imkisser, jekk ikunu jafu jitkellmu bl-Ingliż? How about overcrowding, a strain on essential services and locals, especially the young, being priced out of the housing market? Dear Prime Minister, ground yourself and come down from cloud nine.

“Abela pledged to look towards strengthening economic areas that ‘least impact our country’s infrastructure’, going on to list several possible niches, from robotics to artificial intelligence, digital economy, financial services and gaming.” What a laugh! Robotics and their investment are not that expensive. The local gaming industry, whose 30% of the world’s gaming companies are operating via Malta, from information that has reached this site, is already on its way out as many have left already. We also all know that Malta’s corporate tax rate is set at 35%, but businesses are allowed to claim back most of this as a rebate, meaning that companies effectively pay just 5% tax on their profits. What will happen once the OECD [Organization for Economic Coperation and Development] imposes a global corporate tax, which from 5% will take it up to 15% in all EU members? Won’t these companies leave? Won’t foreign investment in Malta stop? And we cannot exclude the letterbox companies, either. What will happen when energy prices go up?

“But, he warned, this doesn’t mean that the government will ignore the core industries that brought about Malta’s economic growth in the first place, including tourism, construction and maritime industries.” Please read this statement of his again, slap your face, and then read the below article:

Construction? You mean money laundering? You have turned my country into a barriera. You mean a jungle of blocks of concrete boxes, piled up next to each other? You have turned my country into a barriera. You mean ivory towers? You have turned my country into a shithole.

I won’t go into what opposition MP Claudette Buttigieg said during this same presentation . The arrogant PN and their ilk are just in the same boat and they will continue to be complicit in the same shit which they put this country in, in the first place, through Eddie Fenech Adami and his successor, Gonzi. The arrogant PN will never have my sympathy.

Sadly, this government doesn’t want change and is complicit in the shitty economic model which is being imposed on us.

Prime Minister Robert Abela is politically beyond repentance because in politics, you either build a house or sink a dead body.

Imma l-aqwa li warajna jkollna miktub ‘L-istat tan-nazzjon!’ F’kelma waħda l-istat ta’ dan-nazzjon hu TAL-BIKI!
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