Prime Minister Robert Abela used my father to gain more sympathy votes recalling the pandemic hoax which he himself endorsed

In the circus charade of the political clownish puppets show, we get blessed with these ‘taħt it-tinda’ set-ups, or we might call them ‘weekend political meetings’ where the masses gather so that they permit themselves to keep on being the subjects of mass hypnosis by their idols, the politicians of the political puppet show.

What a country!

And then yesterday we had the Grandeur Show of Prime Minister Robert Abela ‘taħt it-tinda l-kbira’ in Ta’ Qali, the dumping site of politicians, where yesterday the partit tal-ħaddiema u tal-fqar grouped the masses in larger number so to dump in them hypnotic messages of mass hypnosis, so that they forget that under their beloved partit tal-ħaddiema u tal-fqar, they continue to remain ħaddiema u fqar.

My beloved father is often present for these meetings, as he was engaged, [not sure if it was a voluntary decision or if he was asked by the partit tal-fqar u l-ħaddiema] as a personal security to Prime Minister Robert Abela. Before the mainstream media tries to pick on this to spread lies and harm, my father does this for free. My father is a pensioner but thanks to the beloved partit tal-fqar u l-ħaddiema, he still works on part-time basis, which sees him wake up at six o’clock in the morning.

My father still cannot fathom, unfortunately, that his beloved partit tal-fqar u l-ħaddiema is not the party of the poor and the workers, is corrupt to the core, is a Fabian Socialist, endorses dangerous liberalism and that all the socialist ideologies lead to communism. But as I said before, I let it be out of respect and love. My father is a very kind, generous man – a pure, golden heart I must say, with a personality which makes anyone who meets him get hooked on him as he is loved by so many. He is also highly intelligent but thanks to the other partit tal-pride u l-arroganza, tas-sinjuri u l-business, il-partit nazzjonalista, he was raised in a family which could not afford sending him to school. He grew up playing on the streets, and at the age of twelve, he was already working with his late dad.

And so it happened that in one of those mass hypnosis sessions of the partit tal-fqar u l-ħaddiema, Prime Minister Robert Abela referred and pointed at my dad in one of his speeches, in which my dad was present. In a nutshell, he referred to the covid-19 pandemic hoax, to remind the masses in the mass hypnosis session, how he has endorsed this genocidal project, and how when he had visited hospital three times, and asked Dr Charles Mallia Azzopardi about my dad, he was told that there was no hope for my dad. Yes, this was that day when we were told that he has less than 24 hours left to live. But since my dad miraculously made it, and the only thanks goes to God, Robert Abela pointed to my dad, mentioning his name, to show the masses how my dad survived the alleged disease of covid-19. Cameras were on my dad of course.

On another note, Dr Charles Mallia Azzopardi had nothing to do with the board meetings which we had and the ITU ‘experts’. He was appointed by Robert Abela himself to take care of my dad, after the former ITU head had continuously brushed off our begging, and in one of the board meetings he told me ‘You can send for help to the Prime Minister as much as you want, because like Abela there are many, but like me there is only one.” Oh my, when pride and arrogance make you go blind and you end up puking. So I thank Dr Charles Mallia Azzopardi from here. Yes, I stated before that I was in touch with Abela when dad was hospitalized, as I had no straw to cling to, except prayers. And if dad passed away, I was ready to sell the little I have, and take everyone involved to the highest courts, so to speak up not only for dad but also for the other martyrs – something which I told Abela too while dad was dying. Though dad miraculously made it, I am still here speaking up for the martyrs and I am ready to take dad’s file to the highest authorities and courts of good heart that want to bring justice and expose the covid-19 hoax and its deadly vaccines.

And yet, this government is going so much deeper in the pits of disgust because it hypnotises the masses with half-truths and lies. I guess whenever Malta has an election, I would need to start carrying a bucket in case I need to puke.

Robert Abela should have maybe mentioned the whole story to the masses:

Maybe Abela could have informed the masses how his daughter and son fought at Mater Dei and the board meetings they had to attend.

Maybe Abela could have informed the masses how and why the deadly protocol that was endorsed by the same Labour government which killed so many patients in the name of pseudo covid-19.

Maybe Abela could have informed the masses how his daughter fought to have her dad given blood which was clotting thanks to the ventilator for which the Mater Dei ‘experts’ replied they would need to convene a meeting!

Maybe Abela could have informed the masses why were remdisivir and other deadly concoctions intravenously administered to dad which were killing him, while the remdisivir produced kidney failure in him, with all his organs shutting down.

Maybe Abela could have informed the masses why when this daughter here asked Mater Dei ‘experts’ for the dialysis machine to be used on my dad, she was told that Mater Dei does not have enough of those machines to use them in ITU. And maybe Robert Abela should add that when this daughter here sent him a message about this, by pure magic the dialysis machine did find itself in ITU not only near dad, but also near other patients.

Maybe Abela could have informed the masses why my dad was not treated for pneumonia, which is what he had and was clearly depicted on x-rays done the first time I took him to hospital, and instead he was sent home to quarantine to take panadols, which obviously made him get worse only to be re-admitted again to hospital and be immediately put in ITU after a day!

Maybe Abela could have informed the masses why Mater Dei refused to administer cheap Vitamin C to which the excuses told were “We don’t have it,” “It costs,” “We will check if we have any” and “We are not ALLOWED to use it.”

And maybe Abela could have directed the masses to this site for the whole truth.

And maybe Abela could have thanked publicly God Almighty, the one and only God Almighty, who grabbed dad from the Grim Reaper’s scythe. U ma tarax! The masses need to remain hypnotized and loyal towards their political idol.

But such statements are not valid for hypnotic sessions. They would induce a mass awakening which is not good for the partit tal-fqar u l-ħaddiema.

How vile it is for this prime minister to use dad for his vile propaganda.

My hand on dad’s hand, when he was transferred to ITU 1, and we were given the permission by communism to visit him. He was still unconscious here.
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