Prime Minister Robert Abela must clarify the Labour party’s vindictive actions towards Independent MEP candidate Noel Apap

[Ħdimt ħafna għalhekk, grazzi għalik Sur PM tal-labour ta’ poter li ma ħallejtx kelb rieqed wara l-elezzjoni ta’ 2022 għax xahar wara ridtu tivvendikaw ruħkom miegħi għax ħriġt indipendenti fuq l-ewwel distrett bl-għajta ta’ Laburist Mintoffjan Soċjalist. Bara minn hekk l-aqwa li qdejt familja ta’ 5 voti għax minn tal-ħbieb tal-ħbieb. Qed inwissik minn issa bil-quddiem li jekk mingħalikom wara l-elezzjoni se terġgħu dduru miegħi nfakkrek li elezzjoni ġenerali sentejn oħra u nerġa’ noħroġ all out aktar minn din l-elezzjoni. Innotajt li l-indipendenti qishom ingħaqdu? Master Mind kien biex waslu għall-għaqda.]

[I worked a lot for that, thanks to you Mr. Labour Prime Minister hungry for power, that you didn’t leave a dog sleeping after the election of 2022 because a month later you wanted to avenge yourself with me because I came out as an independent candidate on the first district with the cry of a Mintoffian Socialist Labourite. Apart from that, serving a family of five votes because it’s of the friends of friends. I am warning you now in advance that if you will come back to avenge yourself with me after the election, I will remind you that there is a general election in two years’ time and I am ready to go all out more than this election. Have you noticed that the independent candidates have joined forces? A master mind has brought them to it.]

Can the emperor of the partit tal-ħaddiema u tal-fqar ta’ huma l-ewwel qabel kulħadd f’Malta li mhix qed tiġi qatt l-ewwel u qatt qabel kollox, jikkonferma u jikkjarifika jekk jogħġbu?

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