President Myriam Spiteri Debono is the President of Multicultural Malta

Closing the conference “of the fourth annual State of the Nation survey, an annual study that takes stock of the public’s beliefs on various topics, from the economy to religion, politics and culture,” President Myriam Spiteri Debono “expressed her dismay at the survey’s findings about multiculturalism and foreign workers.”

‘Maybe we should ask the Maltese who don’t want foreign workers point-blank whether they are ready to carry out the work they do,’ she said.

‘They feel that some work is below them but they expect these jobs to still be done,’ she insisted.

Do you know what I call this kind of thinking, or train of thought, dear readers? I call it T.S.I.T. which stands for ‘Typical Socialist Ignorant Thinking.’ What kind of reflections are these from this president?

Why doesn’t she ask why aren’t employers not prepared to pay decent wages to the Maltese to do the jobs done by foreigners?

Why doesn’t she point at the importation of cheap labour to keep wages low while it fattens the wallets of the employers? Why doesn’t she point at the fact that employers do not want to pay fair salaries?

Why doesn’t she point at both parties for the current situation we have in Malta, which made exploitation the root of Malta’s economic growth so that the rich become richer whilst the lower and middle-classes are being bribed with the occasional pre-election cheque?

Why doesn’t she point at the supply/demand for the construction and the property industry? Mark my words: Malta’s property industry will soon collapse, unless it hasn’t already. Prices will crush and it will start with the rental prices to then the property prices as it is a ripple effect.

President Myriam Debono Spiteri should be doing some research into the Kalergi Plan and the United Nations so to understand what is the main aim behind ‘multiculturalism.’

Instead of thinking of how to recreate and operate an economy without illegal and legal immigrants, we have to read all this nonsense from our unqualified political field. What a disgrace.

And please note, that all these jobs that these illegal and legal invaders are doing will be lost by 2030 by which 300 million jobs will be phased out, and replaced by AI.

Multiculturalism has never produced anything worthwhile. The invasion has made European societies the shittiest societies known to man. Security experts alerted European leaders to the possibility that ratifying the Lisbon Treaty may spark a civil war due to multiculturalism. However, our adored politicians signed it because they enjoy having dictatorial authority. (Note: The champions of democracy in France, the leftists, are fighting the right wing in a civil war. This is evidence that the statements made by security analysts should be carefully examined, and the statements made by politicians should be questioned mercilessly from left to right.)

Deporting every non-European would solve the majority of our issues. In fact, according to Eurostat data, Europeans do not mind mingling with one another as long as the cultures and identities are compatible. Hopefully, the attacks on European nations and societies by the leftists will be rectified by the rightwing!

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