On the three stooges Mark Camilleri, Jason Azzopardi and David Casa and the resignation of Edward Scicluna

I carry an innate sense of justice and hope that hopefully justice will triumph one day in this country, albeit, I have lost hope. Even the notion of injustice bothers me, let alone its actuality.

Here is my pick about Malta’s Central Bank Governor, Edward Scicluna. Just like there is no one politician of both parties that I am particularly inclined toward, or fond of, there is no banker either. By banker I do not mean the employees that do the daily jobs. Banks, for me, are pure evil and when you know who is behind them, it makes them none other than just that. And hence, why, I try to be objective in all my pieces. Not an easy feat, especially when you have the mechanisms of hypocrisy, subjectivity and double standards of Mark Camilleri, Jason Azzopardi, and David Casa.

If we take the case of former Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, current Central Bank Governor, we see how these three stooges are asking for his resignation. Let me set the matter straight. I am not here to defend anyone. The government has turned into an organised crime, and this is not only a local situation, but it is a worldwide thing with all governments being involved in huge corruption and crimes, without forgetting that they all grouped together in the biggest crime against humanity – the Covid-19 and its vaccines genocide.

But when these three stooges start attacking someone, you know that they are up to something. Jason Frejjeġ u Gideb bl-Ipokrita’ Azzopardi is on record stating “Resign now. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have now embarrassed us with the European Central Bank too.”

Mark “il-Kittieb ta’ Stejjer ta’ Qabel Jidlam u Jisbaħ” Camilleri has published a series of articles one after the other, asking for the resignation of Edward Scicluna. He has also reached out to the European Central Bank, where he allegedly has got a reply from the same bank. It is quite ironical, considering that when the Malta Independent did, they got no specific comment from the ECB. But Mark “il-Kittieb ta’ Stejjer Qabel Jidlam u Jisbaħ” has been also continuously asking for the resignation of Edward Scicluna.

The hypocrisy is that he regards Chris Fearne’s resignation as honourable, when people with functioning brain cells do understand that this was a cunning move from Fearne. So I am sure the readers understand that there is something evil brewing which makes it harder for us to cut a line and decide whether Edward Scicluna should resign or not. Hypocritically, the three stooges have never asked for the resignation of Fearne, each time that his name came up in corrupt, shady and bureaucratic deals.

Follow the white line David Casa has also asked for Scicluna’s resignation. Also, he has never commented about Fearne.

So, in upcoming pieces, this site will tackle Edward Scicluna objectively, so that you, dear readers are led to the conclusion of whether Edward Scicluna should resign or not.

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