On liquor, Masonic iconography and drugs

Alan Watt: “Now we’ve got Tommy in L.A. Are you there, Tommy?

Tommy: Hey, Alan, are you there?

Alan: Yes I am.

Tommy: Hey I just wanted to — I remember a while back you had spoken about the Bronfman’s and Joe Kennedy and the liquor trade. I work in a bar and so I see a lot of Masonic iconography on the bottles of liquor and I’m just wondering is this just a blatant display of their power over us, over the way they control us?

Alan: Yes. If you look at ancient India they talked about a drug called Soma that they gave to the public. That’s no secret in India. There are various drugs there that can lay you back.

Tommy: The drugs in Huxley’s book.

Alan: They’ve always used drugs with the people, especially when they increase your stress level or you’re half starved or you feel life is unrewarding and so they make sure there’s always something. In the Soviet Union you had to line up for bread and wait half the day or three quarters of the day to get some peas to boil at home, but you could always walk into a store and get a bottle of Vodka very quickly. That was even shown in Orwell’s “1984.” They always make sure there’s always a drug for the masses; and for those who don’t go for that, they always make sure there’s other alternate drugs made available to the general public and that keeps people fairly quiet. It also sets you into a routine.

Tommy: Do you think they also use that to push vices on us like internet porn and these drugs and all these other things so they can foster their psychopathic culture amongst us?

Alan: Everything works that way, absolutely. I mean all drugs are mind altering. All drugs are and they do poison the brain. That’s why when you’re drunk, if you’re totally drunk you won’t remember what happened. Your brain has reached a toxic level and so all drugs are meant to alter the brain, the brain chemistry as well. There’s no doubt that alcohol is the one that’s being pushed big time for the Western countries for an awful long time. Look at the sports. Who are the main funders of all the sports programs? It used to be cigarettes and booze. Now it’s primarily booze and it’s no coincidence.

Tommy: Is it the sedative nature of alcohol that they–

Alan: Yes, the sedative nature and it’s also because of the culture we’re given here. We’re not taught in this culture to be open and honest because we’re all taught to compete with each other all the time; and so they say that alcohol breaks down the social barrier for a temporary amount of time. That’s why people go to date and they’ll drink and that’s when they can loosen up their tongue. The social barrier is dropped and they’ll often do things they wouldn’t normally do, so it’s used because the system we live in is artificial to begin with. We don’t know how to communicate heart to heart to people anymore in the western world.

Tommy: Are we giving them power by consuming these things?

Alan: Absolutely and you’re keeping the system going because they rake in vast amounts of money through the drugs they allow into the public that they take. Vast amounts of money and there’s no doubt too that great quantities of alcohol totally destroys the entire body, not just the liver. It’s one of the most toxic drugs out there really.

Tommy: Well thanks for taking my call, Alan. I really appreciate it.

Alan: Thanks for calling.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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