On knowledge, trivial knowledge and conditioning

Alan Watt: “That’s the world we live in where knowledge is hidden and most people go through their lives having extraneous knowledge, trivial knowledge and conditioning and sure enough, as Brzezinski said, their topics of conversation are given to them on the previous night’s news and that’s what they talk about at work the following day. They talk about affairs in Hollywood and the stars, not realizing there’s whole departments of propagandists just churning this stuff out. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, as long as you eat it up and talk about it. It keeps you from thinking about real things, or even your own personal life, or what life is, or what happiness really is. We’re told in a commercial system happiness is having it all, which is an impossibility. In fact if all these things you buy worked out as the ads tell you, you’d given up buying long ago because you’d be so darn happy. How happy can you become once you’re happy and exuberant? You can’t go any higher.

Now I’ve got John from Texas on the line. Are you there, John?
John: Yes, hi Alan.
Alan: Yes, go ahead.

John: Yes. I have a real quick question I wanted to ask you and I’m going to hang up and listen. I heard you say on an old blurb that they may have taken something out of the book ‘The First Global Revolution.’

Alan: Apparently on Google there’s some free books and a caller got in touch with me and noticed that 30 pages were missing and they hadn’t even hidden it. They just ended at a certain number and 30 pages on resumed, so be very careful when you look up some of the e-books.

Alan: Apparently on Google there’s some free books and a caller got in touch with me and noticed that 30 pages were missing and they hadn’t even hidden it. They just ended at a certain number and 30 pages on resumed, so be very careful when you look up some of the e-books.

John: Can I still get a used copy?

Alan: Yes, you can still get a used copy, but understand when I got mine I got it used for $0.75 and whenever I mention books they suddenly just shoot up in price as people go and get them. Someone complained that they’re up to $80 now.

John: Well I just got ‘Ghost in the Machine’ and I paid 56 bucks for it.
Alan: Really.

John: Yes but I mean it’s not the money. I really want to be able to try to convince people. That’s why I’m buying all the books that you recommended on all your blurbs and I’ve been writing them all down and I’m just trying to — I’m not checking you out. I believe what’s going on. There’s no doubt in my mind about it, no doubt at all. It’s just that I’m looking for good information I can put forward in front of peoples faces and say here read this. My one last question is and I’m going to hang up and before I do that, I’d like to say I really appreciate everything you’re doing. My question is I’m halfway through the book ‘The Grand Chessboard’ and I was looking for the part where they said they were going to go into Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Syria and I can’t find it but I’m only halfway through.

Alan: Yes, you’ll have to keep going and you’ll find to it’s scattered. They don’t sit down and you see these things are written for the exoteric and the esoteric and so for the big boys who are involved they know — it’s like reading the bible. You have to read through all the boring stuff where you’re almost falling asleep and then you catch something that’s important. That’s how they write these kind of books where the actual laws or real details are put in there or you’ll find politicians’ memoirs or something or some high bureaucrat. They tuck it in amongst the boring stuff. I’ll be back with more after the following messages.

John: Bye. Take care.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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