On abortions, eugenics, the abortion pill, the ‘baby boomer problem’, baby levy and the ties with carbon taxes (2)

“Alan: Now right away they take you off the obvious answer that you should probably give, you see. In other words, family groups should reject the carbon tax completely. Throw it out the window instead of twisting it off to the nether regions and accepting there should be a carbon tax in the first place, but not using it to penalize certain people. That’s how they’ve bent it here. That’s what the official oppositions do. They should toss that one out the window and people better scream bloody murder now before it’s too late, because if you allow this to go through they’ll be on a roll to compulsory (and I’m not kidding) sterilization. It’s been so well documented and so many books put out by the big professionals themselves, the people who belong to these world associations. The United Nations has prattled on about it since it was called the League of Nations. They had a Department of Population Control there.

What do you think population control means?

The United Nations has the same board, population control. They don’t sit on their hands making wish lists of things they’d love to do. They’re paid big money. They have think tanks employed. They come up with strategies and they’re given budgets to advertise their strategies into your brain through marketing companies for you to accept it and modify your behavior, and they will bring the population down by any means possible. They’ve already got control of the entire food supply of the planet by the five agri-food businesses. The entire food supply. Everything that you need to exist is owned by a few who are all part of a big association. Really, they’re all one. They’re all departments of a world system, a world government. They’re not independent at all. They’re not independent corporations. They were set-up and funded and brought off the ground into their present size by one single source with the task of taking over everything you need for survival on this planet.

The CIA is only a branch of it. MI6 is only a branch of it. All the other alphabet soup agencies like FEMA, they’re only branches of the same thing. The Carnegie and the Ford and the Rockefeller Foundations and all the other ones in Britain and the Guggenheim and all the rest of it, are all part of one system and each one has its following of doers and the massive followers that don’t even know what’s going on. I’ll be back with more after the following messages.

Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt back Cutting Through this old Matrix and just showing you that ‘everything is timing’ as they say at the top and how they start leaking this sort of stuff out, getting you familiar with it and then giving you official groups that will oppose it. At least you think they will and you’ll sit back and do nothing. That’s the standard technique for about 100 years and it’s worked so well every time. The people sit back and watch it happening and of course it does happen because the official opposition groups always get to some strange compromise and go off on a different tangent than the one that you thought they were actually following — so stand up yourselves and bung that tax out the window.

Don’t accept the tax at all because it’s going to be the big stick that’s going to put you into the ground. It’s going to literally stomp you into the ground paying all these ridiculous taxes because they’ll think of a thousand reasons for other taxes that will follow. They already have them already to go. They accept one at a time and you’ve had it, so throw this one out, this anti-humane. It’s anti-human, period. It’s against humanity. If you can’t get the message of what I just read, this is anti-human. That means anti-you and anti-your offspring, so if you believe in life itself, including your own, tell them to toss it out — demand they toss it out the window. Completely out the window. It’s a complete farce. It’s built on nothing substantial at all. All this bogus science hasn’t been proven any way at all that we’re causing it, so toss it out the window. They claim there’s been many, many ice ages, warming periods in between, and even their own official sites will tell you they had ice ages and warming periods, global warming, in between
them for thousands and thousands of years, maybe millions, long before man was even on the planet. Well, who was letting off the gasses back then, if we weren’t there? The dinosaurs maybe? Did they tax them? It’s all bunkum. Throw it out, throw it out and don’t even entertain a debate about it. Just throw it out and say it’s anti-human.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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