No, it is not about promoting the globalist fake meat agenda, or the globalist vegan movement. It is about my ethical philosophy

Ethics (also called Moral Philosophy), is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong.

I have no regard for vested interests that cause suffering – extending this to God’s creation, because all throughout the processing of keeping this site’s two goals in minds, this site “will, throughout, root for humanity and all God’s creation.” For me, consuming milk and consuming meat is morally bad. This does not equate to me not respecting others’ choices.

No, I am not doing the bidding of the globalists to shift humanity to eat artificial meat. Please type ‘fake meat agenda’ in the search section or Bill Gates. I will not support Bill Gates and his ‘beyond meat’ investment. No, I will not assist the mainstream media to push the artificial meat agenda. Did you ever notice how they create a dichotomy of divide and conquer? Left wing vs right wing, Ukraine vs Russia, Israel vs Palestine, vaccinated vs non-vaccinated, veganism vs meat-eating, and the dichotomy goes on and on. In order to come out of this belly of the beast, we must embrace compassion, unity and living in harmony.

After all, the shitty food system we have is another multi-billion money-making industry, without forgetting the shitty food pyramid that is ever changing from time to time. What was not good for you ten years ago has now suddenly turned into a manna from heaven. I do not think that we have ever been taught proper nutrition. Because it is all about the money, you see, with the usual problem-reaction-solution. An example: create sugary drinks and stuff. People get diabetes. The solution is to offer sugar-free drinks and stuff, which are as unhealthy as the sugary ones. Another example: spray glyphosate on grain – people become gluten intolerant – the solution is to create gluten-free stuff.

What is the proper solution? The solution is to remain centred without going left and right with their pendulum. Where is my centre? My centre is at eating from the earth: fruit, vegetables, rice, nuts, pulses, quinoa, and buckwheat. Add a few man-made products like bread, and pasta. I buy local produce from the same lovely farming family at the Farmers’ Market, and with a few euros, I eat for a whole month, which is a blessing considering the exaggerated hike in prices in meat products. As much as possible, I try to eat seasonal crops and fruit. I wash in a researched mix to remove the pesticide residue as much as possible. Sometimes, I buy organic, but I am aware that organic is another option that was given when it shouldn’t be, as whatever the earth gives, is truly, organic and cheap. It is pesticides which manipulated it to give you the expensive organic. Besides, with the aerial spraying and acid rain, I wonder if there is anything which is truly organic. It is an enslaving grid system and getting out of it is not an easy feat.

I invested in a manually operated juice maker which helps me create my own almond milk and smoothies, keeping the nutrients and vitamins intact.

The first meat I stopped eating was rabbit and lamb meat. I was around nine years old at the time. My father used to raise rabbits for food when I was a child. And after spending days playing with the young ones, the kits, I could not bear to see them on the plate. I used to cry knowing that their day has come, and dad, on seeing how upset I used to be, stopped raising them. Another time my grandma won a lamb out of a lottery ticket. I used to play with her for days. She was my height and she used to walk with me at my pace, playing. I can still hear her horrendous bleats on the day when it was going to be killed. Grandma closed me outside while I hit the door with my fists begging them to spare her life. I can still hear these cries. By time, I started gradually shifting my lifestyle to a vegan one.

With the milk and dairy products, it was a question of health as milk started making me sick. Diarrhea and bloating basically. When I was in athletics, my coach, a meat-eater who was doing a PhD in nutritional science before he gave it a quit, used to hammer on the must for athletes to stop consuming dairy even because of the damaging effects on the body. It is horrible, he used to say. Ever wondered why did so many people suddenly turn ‘lactose’ intolerant?

I happened to have a mix of sensitivity and sensibility in me, a mixture from which I choose my ethical philosophy. After all, my nutritional lifestyle does not harm anyone, but this is not what meat-eaters think. When I sit on the table to eat with meat-eaters, I get:

[But aren’t you eating the cow’s food?] Me: [Yes, in fact I look around for fields to graze grass nowadays.]

[But don’t you think that God created animals for us to eat?] Me: [Did you ask Him or did you receive a letter from Him?]

[But if they are killed humanely, won’t you eat meat?] Me: [I dare you pay a visit to the slaughterhouse or do a vigil outside it before animals are transported inside, to feel their fear in their eyes while they pee on the trucks and tremble.]

[But we all have to die, one day.] Me: [Death and murder are not the same. We are born to die, not to be killed.]

[But the Bible says that after the Great Flood God changed the rule, allowing consumption of meat which says ‘Every creature that lives shall be yours to eat, as with the green grasses, I give you all these.’] Me: [Are we living post a great flood? And can you explain to me what it is meant by green grasses? Do we have to graze?]

[But the Bible says that God allows us to consume meat.] Me: [Genesis Chapter 2:16-17, ‘And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb-bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.’ Isn’t veganism re-affirmed as the people’s spiritually proper nutrition? Explain to me the different versions found in the Bible. I stick to my ethics.]

[But don’t you think that you will affect the livelihood of farmers?] Me: [Oh yes, I buy from my vegetable and fruit farmer every week. He has been in the business for over forty years, now.]

[But don’t you think that butchers will be out of job, thanks to veganism?] Me: [I do not think meat consumption will ever stop but rest assured, that butchers will go out of job thanks to the globalists when the masses will have to consume insects and artificial meat.]

[But don’t you think that your nutritional needs are not being met?] Me: [Oh yes, I have been slowly dying for many years now and am on the brink of my last days.]

These are comments that I often get – comments uttered with a mocking touch. When I do not feel like using my energy, I go with a short cut – “I do not eat meat because I do not like it.”

I only had one interesting conversation about my nutritional lifestyle which was set in an ethical and respectful framework. It was initiated by a highly intelligent boy who suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome. On the contrary, I never ask meat-eaters million questions or try to challenge them or mock them. One thing I hate is when meat-eaters try to persuade me otherwise and when they come with an air of superiority – and hence my plea, for meat-eaters to respect others’ choices and let them be.

Being vegan, or rather, choosing a spiritual and compassionate way of eating, is one of the many aspects of who I am in the ethics that shape me. If the world has a problem with it, it is not my problem, albeit I live and let live. It is so stupid that it’s not the other way round.

As the great Arab mathematician Al-Khawarizmi had replied when asked about the value of a human being: “If they have ethics, then the value is 1. If it is also intelligent, then add a 0 and its value will be 10. If it is also rich, add another 0 and it will be 100. If above all that is a beautiful person, add another 0 and its value will be 1000. But if you lose the 1, which corresponds to ethics, you will lose all its value, because only the zeros will remain.”

In a nutshell, this brings me back to the ethical philosophy expressed in the home section of this site:

“Thus, this site has two main goals. The first is to stay on a continuous, spiritual quest for the Truth so to assist humanity in filtering through the deceit. The second is to create a Truth movement through Christ. It will, throughout, root for humanity and all God’s creation“.

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