NATO countries will involve themselves with recruitment and money for Ukraine

NATO’S plans for Ukraine have begun. In case the United States of America is out, NATO countries will involve themselves with recruitment and money. According to a deal struck last week, as reported by Politico, “Hungary will not be part of a NATO plan to help Ukraine.” “But Budapest will also not block the alliance’s efforts to support Kyiv.”

“The Hungarian decision paves the way for the other NATO countries to approve a plan under which the alliance would take over from the U.S. in coordinating security assistance to Ukraine.

Speaking in Budapest, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said: ‘I’m glad that today the prime minister [Viktor Orbán] and I have agreed on modalities for Hungary’s non-participation in NATO support for Ukraine.

Orbán — the European leader most aligned with Russian President Vladimir Putin — has long been opposed to further aid packages for Ukraine, employing a similar tactic in the European Union.

Under the deal with Stoltenberg, no Hungarian personnel will take part in NATO’s plan to provide Ukraine with security assistance and training. Hungarian funds will also not be used.

‘At the same time, the prime minister has assured me that Hungary will not oppose these efforts, enabling other allies to move forward,’ Stoltenberg said, speaking alongside Orbán. ‘And he has confirmed that Hungary will continue to meet all of its NATO commitments in full.‘”

Although Hungary is not taking part, it won’t block either.

And yet the Maltese nation opted to be the usual nation with a colonial mentality as it has always been throughout history. With these elections it chose to lose their nation, their country, and send their children for slaughter to protect the American interests and the true establishment – the Zionists – while suffering the misery that war brings. While nations continue to fall deeper and deeper into debt, we should all be getting frustrated. Inflation alone is destroying many families who are still struggling to recover from the incompetence and lie of 2020.

And in the meantime, a great deal of free money is given to other countries, while we receive only the debt from that ‘free money.’

If your government is not defending your borders, while using any force possible against its own citizens, like collecting taxes and enforcing its unconstitutional laws, then it means that traitors have taken control of your government.

Now enjoy the elections’ results and watch the failure of your decisions.

X’ ġej għalik poplu!

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