Mark Camilleri, part of Chris Fearne’s skulk, must be on Chris Fearne’s payroll, that is…

If you want to get an example of a fable written by Mark Camilleri, here you go:

The fable goes that once upon a time, not long ago, precisely in 2016, Malta’s deputy PM,

“Unlike the Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna, Chris Fearne did the honourable thing and resigned immediately upon the publication of the Magisterial Inquiry, and he resigned on his own accord without any pressure by the Prime Minister and his colleagues. It is only today that I have also learnt that Chris Fearne was actually the Minister who requested an investigation by the Auditor General into the Vitals fraud. He was also deeply hated by Konrad Mizzi who actually negotiated and signed the concessions.

Chris Fearne did the right and honourable decision, and I am pretty sure, that he never imagined the extent of the fraud that these concessions were going to lead to. He was never involved in the discussions of the financing of the project and focused exclusively on the management of the health sector. He’s also financially illiterate and I don’t expect otherwise from a surgeon who puts all his money into bonds instead of an S&P500 index (most surgeons and doctors start businesses on the side after getting rich, but fail miserably unless they buy real-estate). He even bought many of his government bonds at a time when interest rates were at record lows just to give you an idea of his gross financial illiteracy.

Chris Fearne trusted in the advice and guidance of his previous friend and colleague Edward Scicluna and it is Scicluna as previous Finance Minister who should take responsability for defending the fraudulent contracts and giving his approval, and not the financially illiterate Health Minister. A Minister who is financially illiterate will inevitably trust in the good will of his Finance Minister. Only, today we know that Edward Scicluna defrauded and lied to his colleagues.”

X’textix u ġbid ta’ the real deal marelli! I will tackle Professor Edward Scicluna’s statements done recently to the press in another piece.

Camilleri truly lives in forlorn fables and fairytales of clouds lurking much, much beyond the horizon. Didn’t he follow Fearne, who in his smug, cocky and narcissistic way, started his arrogant speech telling the journalists “Minix se ngħidilkom grazzi talli qegħdin hawn” [I’m not going to tell you thank you for being here.] Journalists were there heating their standing arse on the streets because of Fearne and his government and anyone involved in this circus, so the least Fearne could do was thank them and apologise for all this hassle they are going through because of his government in the first place! So, as a fellow blogger, Camilleri should understand that it’s not nice to see journalists being disrespected by a politician, because we should understand that that kind of treatment can be shifted across the board. I felt sorry for those journalists who, understandably, did not even smile back at Fearne’s statement uttered behind his cocky, artificial, sarcastic smile. Chris Fearne and Mark Camilleri should understand that it is not the politicians who are on trial. They might be on the stand, but it is a whole nation who is on trial and being prosecuted! But in Mark Camilleri’s new book of “Fables, Fairytales and Beyond,” Fearne is the hero while the nation is the villain.

But I’m sure that Mark feels safe, since he must be on Fearne’s payroll, that is, until that day comes when anyone involved in the selling, gaining profit and whatever else from the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccines, will have to spend days in Disney’s Frozen fairytale playing with guitars on frozen lakes of frozen bank accounts and assets and so will their beneficiaries. Do you know how to play the guitar, dear Mark?

If Camilleri of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond” followed this speech, he would have listened to Fearne pompously stating:

“Infakkar li kont jien li fl-2016, mhux illum jiġifieri, fl-2016, ftit wara li sirt ministru tas-saħħa, illi kont tlabt lill-awditur ġenerali biex jinvestiga din il-konċessjoni ta’ tliet sptarijiet, investigazzjoni illi għamel, investigazzjoni illi għamel f’dettall u daħal f’dettall kbir, investigazzjoni li damet seba’ snin, investigazzjoni li pprovdiet tliet rapporti, u investigazzjoni illi lili, investigazzjoni illi lili, eżoneratni minn kull ħtija u minn kull dell ta’ ħtija. U allura jiena ħa nkun illum nibda d-difiża tiegħi biex dak illi wera l-awditur ġenerali nurieh ukoll fil-qorti.” How heroic marelli! How honourable marelli!

This site has already explained in an updated blog, that considering that any investigations done by the Labour government whether it was done by Peter Grech the former AG and FIAU chief or whether it was done by the Police under the helm of former Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar of the rabbit stew and beyond, with a system of justice side-tracking the truth, all tied together with internal pacts that protect each other, then we shouldn’t be counting so much on any investigation that Fearne says exonerates him, which means that the magisterial inquiry is already prejudiced.

Mark Camilleri of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond” might maybe want to have a look at Daphne’s blog, considering that he wants to be a wannabe Daphne, in his world of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond,” and read what she wrote:

“No, Deputy Prime Minister, you remind us why you’re prepared to be Health Minister in the government of Malta while failing to ask why that government signed a shady deal for public hospital management with an untested new outfit called, pretentiously, Vitals GLOBAL Healthcare, when you haven’t even bothered to find out who the actual shareholders are behind that secret company registered in the British Virgin Islands, or why your government colleagues signed that deal in the first place. In your case, the answer is raw, unbridled power and ambition. In their case, it’s $$$$$$$$$$$$.”

Imma fejn jaqblilna nżommu ma’ Daphne u mas-silenzju, u ma nitkellmux kontra l-gvern, bħall-abort, u fejn jaqblilna nżommu kwieti u ma niktbu xejn kontra l-pandemija u nfaħħru lil Fearne u nwarrbu lil Daphne! Sly fox!

But in his world of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond,” Camilleri either lacks the skill-set to make accurate observations and go very deep in the rabbit hole of Alice in Wonderland, or he refuses to see beyond because he is compromised.

Camilleri doesn’t write against Fearne and defends him. Why?

First, Camilleri is part of Fearne’s skulk, together with their highnesses the Caruana Galizias involved in the importation of COVID-19 vaccines. There was no one blog of his which criticised Fearne in the way he dealt with the pandemic. There was not one blog of his in which he warned people against the vaccines. He defended Fearne when the story of bribery allegations of Carmen Ciantar came out, a story which was investigated by the same police, but which yet again, yielded no fruit. And yet Camilleri thinks that he is the best blogger in the world in his world of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond” when these are times when it is not about writing or tħarbex xi ħaġa biex tgħid ħarbixt xi ħaġa, but since we are past the truth, it is about warning the public of what is ahead. But in the world of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond” there are only happy endings of the lived happily ever after.

Second, Saviour Balzan wrote that “Mark Camilleri’s financial pressures have made him turn on people. He has been receiving sponsorships/donations from some ministries and ministers after he personally pestered them.  If you want to know who these ministers are all you need to do is check out who is portrayed in a good light on his blog and who is not mentioned at all.” Fearne is portrayed in a good light by Camilleri. So we can deduce that Camilleri receives donations from Fearne and he is on Fearne’s payroll. How much is each donation please and how often please? It is definitely good to receive donations for sitting your arse warmly and nicely doing nothing somewhere in Spain – just like in the world of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond.”

There is no doubt in my mind that Camilleri is part of Fearne’s skulk because Fearne gives Camilleri donations, which puts one on the good books of the other; considering that the Caruana Galizias have their hands in the till of the COVID-19 vaccines, in cahoots with Fearne as former health minister, in cahoots with shareholders like Andrew Borg Cardona “il-boċċa,” and who knows what else and who else, that is…

Mark Camilleri of “Fables and Fairytales and Beyond” is part of the cockier, more sly and more narcissistic than thou, skulk of sly foxes of Fearne, the Galizias and their ilk. Foxes of the same arrogance and cockiness with a deep desire for raw, unbridled power, and money, skulking around together.

But I’m sure that Mark feels safe, since he must be on Fearne’s payroll, that is, until that day comes when anyone involved in the selling, gaining profit and whatever else from the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccines, will have to spend days in Disney’s Frozen fairytale playing with guitars on frozen lakes of frozen bank accounts and assets and so will their beneficiaries. Do you know how to play the guitar, dear Mark?

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