‘Manuel qal’: loony right wing, scary right wing trends, but blessed with left-wing politics promoted by the dictatorship of the EU

It is a myth that communism will knock on your door with uniforms and the military. Communism can also knock on your door through the pen, the tongue and it can also wear glasses.

In parts of ‘Manuel Qal S1 E23‘, Manuel Arriva Delia is on record giving an analysis of Malta’s EP results.

At the 3:07 mark he states: “At any rate, they [PN] now feel they’re contenders while Labour for the first time since 2008 no longer feel they’re alone on top. There’s more comforting news in this analysis. While Labour bled 23,462 first preference votes, the loony right wing made no gains. It’s no reason to lower our guard but the hate-mongering anti-vaxxers have gained no votes, even from a government with a loyalty crisis. Imperium Europa actually lost 17.2% of its vote and is now down to 6,816.”

At the 4:06 mark he states: “But I make an exception at anti-system hate mongers who ask for our vote in order to dismantle our democracy.”

From the 4:17 till the 4:55 mark he states: “More seriously this was a European election and though the far right has not quite made the sort of gains, that would allow them to dictate the agenda of the European Parliament, there are some very scary trends. Italy’s far right is consolidated. Germany’s far right (doesn’t that series of 3 words chill you to the bone?) is rising. In Austria (again?) it is the most prominent and dominant political force. And in France, the historical heartland of the far right, it is now the largest political force. Emmanuel Macron has just stunningly gambled domestic politics, a disproportionate reaction to the EP results which could see the far right sweep to government for the first time since Vichy.”

At the 5:30 mark: “But back to the European Parliament it’s good to know that the EPP of the outstanding Roberta Metsola, her veteran colleague David Casa, and her new one Peter Agius, will not need the support of the far right to put an agenda together. The EPP confirmed yesterday they’ll continue to rely on the Socialists and the much diminished Liberals (that’s Macron’s collapse) to keep Europe’s agenda within the space of reason.

For the communist mouthpieces, the far right movement is a scary trend. Communism, on the other hand, is not scary at all. What we are going through and where the world is being led to, is not scary at all. Because the communist mouthpieces, with their persistent use of propaganda, present you with a heaven that in reality is hell; they present you the most miserable kind of life as if it were paradise. Only the Jews [and Zionists] and their mouthpieces, can give you all this, while you shout ‘Viva l-Labour’ and ‘Tuna siġġu.’

For the communist mouthpieces, Imperium Europa is called ‘loony.’ But on the other hand, they recognise the far right movement potential abroad. Go figure it out.

But always remember, that they always tell you, in a one-liner, amongst all the heap of lies and propaganda, the truth. Maybe through a slip of the tongue. Maybe because the truth doesn’t need anyone to exist. Bullshit does. And so, in the line “this was a European election and though the far right has not quite made the sort of gains, that would allow them to dictate the agenda of the European Parliament” ‘Manuel Qal’ tells you that Malta, and other member states, have to obey the dictated agenda of the European Parliament; that we are living under a dictatorship, and that although the far right in the EP might serve as a push-back, it is fine for ‘Manuel Qal’ to have a European Parliament which exists solely to promote and dictate left-wing politics, which Metsola also upholds. ‘Manuel Qal’ does not tell you that the EP has evolved into a tool used by the left to enforce their political hegemony and extreme intolerance for any opposing viewpoint, a trait which is what ‘Manuel Qal’ also portrays, not only in ‘Manuel Qal’ but also in ‘Manuel Terror Told.’

‘Manuel Qal’ does not tell you that the EP is a quasi-parliament.

‘Manuel Qal’ does not tell you how absurd it is to think that representatives from countries like Spain, Germany, France, and others, who are answerable to their own national electorates, can dictate policies to societies like Hungary or any other where they are not held responsible or called to account.

You are being dictated to, dear nation, because the pseudo-democracy they give you, is one which is not what it is. It is a representative one, where you are giving away your rights to representatives that are deciding the policies for you. Call it what you want, but you are not living in a democracy. Moreover, you are a colony of the EU, whose parliament stands for the nonexistent demos that supports the project that rejects accountability, reality, and the law, abandons millions of people, and advances the agenda of a single political party.

‘Manuel Qal’ is happy to be a controller of the arrogant PN, which once elected to power, will continue to dictate and enforce on you its unconstitutional laws, with the blessing of the European Parliament.

Enjoy the elections’ results and watch the failure of your decisions, which will come with the heaviest of penalties, being paid for by the ignorance of a nation.

This is only the very beginning.

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