Manuel [Delia] ma qalx: Imperium Europa is right that liberal democracy failed (part 1) –

There is a new news portal in Malta which is in damage control. This is The wolves continue to gather in a coalition to destroy Malta. They have a section called ‘Manuel Qal.’ Xi ħlew. It would have been a laughing matter if ‘Manuel Qal’ is not spewing venom and hatred.

In his analysis of the EP results, he is on record stating that “this new Parliament will be a turning point for the history that is yet to be made. These European Parliamentarians will either steer us out of these choppy waters or haul us into the failure of democracy and the beginning of another of the many dark dark chapters of the history of this bloody self-destructing continent.” Keep this statement in mind, dear readers, when you will start living in the future end result of this new Parliament.

He also stated that “While Labour bled 23, 462 first preference votes, the loony right wing made no gains. It’s no reason to lower our guard but the hate-mongering anti-vaxxers have gained no votes, even from a government with a loyalty crisis. Imperium Europa, actually lost 17.2% of its vote and is now down to 6,816. […] But I make an exception at anti-system hate mongers who ask for our vote in order to dismantle our democracy..”

Manuel Delia, since it seems that you deem yourself of a superior intellectual love-mongering being, then you should know, by now, that democracy has failed. It has been dismantled long ago – if it ever was in place, honestly. Democracy is leading to dictatorship. Maybe you would like to raise your intellectuality by reading the book by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, ‘Democracy – the God that failed’ because liberal [representative] democracy has already failed.

Manuel Delia, since it seems that you deem yourself of a superior intellectual race, you should by now have observed that we are living in a representative liberal democracy, where the people are voting for PNPL representatives who then enact policies for them. On the contrary, in a direct democracy, it is the people who decide on policies without any intermediary or representative.

Imperium Europa wanted to change this system for a direct, democratic system. But I guess Manuel Delia of the superior intellectual race does not even know what a direct, democratic system is.

Here are the reasons for why the ‘democracy’ we are currently in, which Delia is defending, has failed:

Majority Rule Tyranny: Democracy allows the majority to impose its will on others, leading to systemic exploitation.

Short-Term Focus: Politicians in liberal democracies focus on short-term gains to win elections, neglecting long-term planning.

Moral Hazard: Democratic leaders face no personal risk for bad policies, encouraging irresponsible governance. Democracies tend to incur high levels of public debt, burdening future generations without their consent.

Economic Inefficiency: Democratic redistribution of wealth discourages productivity and innovation.

Public Ownership Problem: Resources managed by the state are often misallocated and mismanaged compared to private ownership.

Special Interest Influence: Democracies are prone to manipulation by special interest groups who lobby for preferential treatment.

High Time Preference: Democracies foster high time preference in society, valuing immediate gratification over future benefits.

Legitimacy of Plunder: Democratic states legitimize the coercive redistribution of wealth, which Hoppe considers akin to theft.

Inefficiency of Bureaucracy: Democratic governments create large bureaucracies that are inefficient and resistant to change.

Violation of Property Rights: Democracies often violate individual property rights through taxation and regulation.

Erosion of Cultural Norms: The democratic process undermines established cultural norms and traditions.

Expansion of State Power: Democracies tend to expand state power continuously, eroding individual freedoms.

Mediocrity in Leadership: The democratic process tends to elevate mediocre leaders who excel in politicking rather than statesmanship.

[These reasons are all discussed in the 2001 book by Hans-Hermann Hoppe ‘Democracy: the God that Failed.’]

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