Malta is the unique country which voted for six globalists’ puppets but Lovin Malta sells you the propagandist fairytale

The election and its fever are finally over.

It did not matter who ever ‘won’ from the PN and the PL because we need to get prepared for war. A war that perhaps might not be against Russia, but it will surely be against Caine’s dictators in Caine’s EU.

And yet, Lovin PN Hatin Malta’s guest opinion piece by a PL insider fails to give you other, more important information. It is such a pity that many cannot see what is going on and where we are being led to, where all one has to do is just do research.

The majority was euphoric when in reality, it is Malta and the Maltese who lost.

No, this was not an MEP election. This election was a referendum where on one side you had the PL, PN, ADPD, Cassola, and Volt who were all in favour of the globalists’ policies that are being imposed on us in the EU with the blessing of NATO, WHO, UN, IMF, and WEF and on the other hand you had those who are against these policies and Agenda 2030, which were Imperium Europa, ABBA and a considerable amount of independent candidates.

It seems that the referendum passed with the score of 6-0, which means that all those who voted for such a result, have given Malta on a golden plate to all the threats that are coming from the same EU, threats which were never mentioned by all those candidates who agree with such threats through the globalists’ agenda.

The Maltese masses don’t even bother to resist, because the worms have been living in each and every host for a while now, so much so, that it’s hard to pick which one they hate the most. Capitalism has made it this way.

Six globalists’ puppets are now on a four-year long holiday in Brussell, jitħanżru u jiffangaw. But it’s not your fault, you know. The weak ones are always there to justify the strong. But don’t worry. Lovin Malta gave you a closer look at these MEPs in its continuing damage control for Malta.

U Malta maħkuma, Malta mibjugħa, Malta mitlufa, Malta mhux Maltija.

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