Le Monde: Only Malta and Slovenia have no far-right representatives in Strasbourg

The majority of the Maltese electorate has a football hooligan tribal mentality.

This was amply exhibited by both the PL and the PN supporters, at the counting hall.

This is the result:

There is an equal and opposite reaction to every action. National Socialism and Fascism were immediate responses to Bolshevism and Marxism. After witnessing the Jewish Bolshevist genocide occurring in Russia, they felt compelled to put an end to the entire colonization of Europe at that time. Jewish scholars themselves affirm that Hitler did not simply wake up one day in a rage and decide to blame the Jews. [However, we must remember that Hitler was a puppet used in order to usher in ‘antisemitism,’ the establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948, and much more. It must have taken a lot of coordination to accomplish what he did…how could it have been possible?] The British/American axis is well known for having committed half of Europe to the communists. People over 50 have vivid memories of life under communism, even if the fall of the iron curtain was only a few years ago. These same individuals are now witnessing the European Union rapidly transform into a Bolshevik government. It’s being referred to as a fascist regime by some, but what’s in a name? The extremes of the left and right, fascism and communism, have united to form the GREENS, who go by pretentious labels like “democratic,” “liberal,” “equal,” “inclusive,” and “multicultural.” There isn’t a middle way anymore. You are now either with the people or a globalist parasite. The goal of globalism is to destroy Europe. The rest of the world will collapse along with Europe and the poison of globalism.

Now, Maltese nation, bury your head in the sand again, and from there try to live your wet dreams while echoing your grumbling about cheap labour, about multiculturalism, about the side-effects that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing you, about the high cost of living, about the noise and dust pollution, about the beaches being taken over, about tables and chairs taking up outdoor space, the uprooting of trees and an endless list. While you are at it, you can start discussing abortion and euthanasia.

The EP results just go to show that the majority of Maltese love this cosmopolitan, building site (destruction of traditional Maltese houses) and car infested island , rather than the island paradise it was.

The EP results just go to show that the mentality in this country is ‘I’m ok, fcuk you Jack’ where some are enjoying the pseudo-booming of the economy at the expense of a miserable quality of life.

In this 2024 election, there was the faith of all of Europe and its people hanging in the balance between embracing Nationalism or modernized Communism; between an independent Europe and people or a colony doing the bidding of others; between peace and war. The Maltese nation did not choose wisely.

Instead, it voted for the disgust for which it grumbles against.

How right was Plato when he stated “Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.”

How right was Kemp when he stated that their ignorance is their downfall like it was that of the Anglo Saxons.

The worst battle in this country is with ignorance, which had it been an Olympic sport, this country would place first. And if ignorance could light up the whole nation, we would not need a power station in this nation.

Local politics is a disgusting, joke but this bizarre country fails to break the chains that are putting it not only in shame, but which is taking it down in a downward spiral in a very dark and hollow pit which the sons of the snake have dug for us.

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