‘King Rat’ the movie and the show that psychopaths run

Alan Watt: “Now we’ve also got Dan from Pennsylvania. Are you there, Dan?

Dan: How are you doing?

Alan: Not so bad.

Dan: Yeah, I’m not so bad. I’m a little sore myself from cutting and splitting wood.
Alan: Oh you too, eh?

Dan: Yeah. It’s nice to not use oil when you can.

Alan: Yes I know.

Dan: I think you have a great show tonight and what do you think of the book “King Rat” as well as the movie? It kind of shows society with the psychopaths running the show at the top.

Alan: Yes, you’ve got it right on and that’s exactly it. The psychopaths in this particular type of system they thrive. This is their system. We have the key in fact that this is their system because they give you traditionally a psychopathic culture of dog-eat-dog and a few winners and lots of losers and we’re taught that this is normal society. We have a society created by psychopaths that serve the psychopaths and they can only win in this particular system since they run the whole system: the money, the fraudulent banking and the con games of money. They run the whole show and they can’t help but succeed.

Dan: We certainly see the con game of money with the mortgage paper debt all over the place today.

Alan: It doesn’t even have to be paper. I mean money itself is a con.

Dan: Oh no, I understand. I’m a follower of you and I agree but it scares me about ‘King Rat’ because people were in prison and they were still belonging to the old system and it just blows my mind because I don’t think there’s much hope for the general population. I think there’s a small group that will see and be able to understand what the psychopaths are doing.

Alan: History has always been deflected, at least deflected from the system by the few and the masses go along whichever way it happens — whoever wins in the end, that’s who they follow blindly. They don’t ask many questions and take everything for granted, but you’re right. Most people I think are going to go down with the system. They’re too selfish and here’s another thing to ponder. It isn’t necessarily that there’s too few good people in the world today. I’ve often wondered if there’s too many bad people in the world today because there’s so may psychopathic types out there who are so selfish, so into themselves. It’s me, me, me.

Dan: I think the system breeds onto itself of course and it’s strange when you get out of the system and I was fortunate enough to go sailing not long ago and I got out of the system a couple of different ways, one by destroying my cell phone and completely removing it and I felt different after I got away from that as well as the internet. When you get away from it you start to get your independence back in a strange way. So I guess we just keep throwing the pebbles in the pond as you say and get the ripples going. I have seen some results and I do keep pointing to your site, so keep up the great work and wow, what an education you provide. Thank you so much.

Alan: Thanks for calling.
Dan: Take care.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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