In another attempt, the staff reporter of “Illum” fuels hatred towards teachers and lies about them

In yet another attempt by the Staff Reporter of Illum to put teachers in a bad light, funnelling more hatred towards this profession to escalate more than it already is, the staff reporter, with the blessing of the pen, perhaps, of Saviour Balzan, wrote that teachers have shown disrespect towards MUT’s president Marco Bonnici by shouting at him and calling him names during the presentation of the new sectoral agreement.

The staff reporter added that Bonnici had to even stop the meeting with MUT members because of such a bad reaction.

These were disgusting lies by the media, which writes without confirming the facts that it can vouch for.

I can vouch that this was a big fat lie because of my trustworthy informants. Teachers grumbled, yes, and objected, yes, but in no way did they resort to lucid attitudes.

A comment of a teacher to Illum‘s article who was present for the meeting, also shows so:

Later, the same Illum had to update the same article with a right of reply from MUT which shows that the media tal-bigilla u gideb was lying big time.

Media tal-bigilla u gideb!

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