Hypocritical IĠM plays on the ‘hate speech’ agenda to evoke sympathy when it failed to protect Daphne Caruana Galizia

Hypocritical IĠM [The Institute of Maltese Journalists] plays on the ‘hate speech’ agenda to evoke sympathy – x’wiċċ tost! Iddaħħkux.

Last Thursday, it “appealed for an immediate halt to the propagation of hate towards journalists, including by the ‘highest authorities.'”

It urged “Once again an immediate halt to the propagation of hate towards journalists, making them seem as though they are enemies of the people. Journalists are just doing their job as watchdogs and should be allowed full liberty to do this without any fear or intimidation.” What a joke and how hypocritical. I am sorry to say but they are part and parcel of the propaganda and they have become excellent at giving half-truths baked in lies, which is much worse than giving a lie.

“It noted that members of the media were spared any physical incidents” but “nevertheless condemned incidents of name-calling by members of the public, deeming them ‘the direct result of a climate of hate instigated against journalists by the highest authorities.'” It is also the direct result of the hatred that the same journalists have been spreading with their propaganda and twisting of facts and giving the public half-truths and lies with its excellent usage of psycholinguistics. It is also the direct result of the fuelling of the ‘hate speech’ agenda that the same journalists fuelled. This journalism is now being fed some of its own medicine after years of moulding the public’s frame of mind while tapping on the public’s emotions. And this is what you get back – hate, an emotion.

Hypocritical IĠM must first and foremost tell us why it does not abide to the principle of speaking up for everyone who is involved in the media – whether you are a journalist on the payroll of the political parties, whether you are a journalist of the so-called pseudo-independent journalism, or whether you are a blogger or a “biċċa blogger” [albeit clearly the media and the same IĠM have not yet understood the difference between a blogger and a journalist].

Għax jekk tikteb taħt l-umbrella ta’ xi media portal, inti ġurnalist. Imma jekk tikteb taħt ismek, hemm mintix ġurnalist. Iddaħħkux!

Where was this hypocritical institute when Daphne was continuously attacked, harassed and stigmatised, being the victim of assault by the Labour Party and its supporters? Daphne was a journalist for three decades and in those three decades, this same institution never stood up for her.

Where was this hypocritical institute when Daphne’s face was put on billboards across the island which led to more abuse being shouted and thrown at her? – x’wiċċ  tost! Iddaħħkux!

Where was this hypocritical institute when Daphne used to be called ‘Is-saħħara tal-Bidnija’ on a TV programme on the PL’s station?

Is it now that the IĠM has woken up to the fact that journalists are becoming targets too? And yet, it still operates with the ‘pick and choose’ modus operandi.

Daphne herself had observed this:

The Institute of Maltese Journalists did not release a statement of protest when my face went up on that political billboard in the worst of the political tension leading up to the general election, and no other journalist raised the alarm or wrote an article about how shocking this was.” Please read the reasons she gave here, while highlighting that the real reason was that many of them [i.e. journalists and the institute] “were too busy becoming enamoured of Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party to see the flashing red light of danger. Come on, it’s only Daphne,” adding “And of course it’s not a warning sign about how the Labour Party stands generally on the matter of freedom of expression and the free press – ma tarax. It’s only how the Labour Party stands on the matter of Daphne.” Add the Institute of Maltese Journalists to the Labour Party.

But now the hypocritical IĠM came out like coward mice out of holes to protect journalists as if they are the oracle of protection and safety – x’wiċċ tost! Iddaħħkux!

But now the hypocritical IĠM came out like coward mice out of holes to protect journalists condemning any speech that was done by ‘the highest authorities.’ X’wiċċ tost! Iddaħħkux! They never came out to defend Daphne in a democracy where the role of journalists is to scrutinise politicians. The hypocritical IĠM was another fool that failed to see that the Labour Party took up the role to scrutinise her which is typical of a fascist regime. They “were too busy becoming enamoured of Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party” – u ma tarax. It’s only Daphne.

So now it is useless for the hypocritical IĠM to come out spluttering nonsense and putting up shows of nonsense. Imma meta xi ħaġa tmur ħażina fiċ-ċirku, u nassigurakom li bħalissa ħafna affarijiet ħżiena qed imorru ħażin fiċ-ċirku, jinħarġu l-buffi u jkomplu joħorġu aktar buffi biex jaljenaw lin-nies.

And on a similar grievous parallel path, it has turned Malta with the blessing of the court and the politicians into a police state. It has never been able to defend and protect Daphne for years, but now instead of doing its job, it had no other better idea than asking the court for the police to come down to the streets to protect the journalists, becoming part and parcel in the quest, seen also worldwide, to turn Malta gradually into a police state.

Below is a glimpse of how it looks like under the totalitarian regime of fascism and communism li qed jgħolli rasu, in cahoots with the patriarchy, which all have failed to protect Daphne, a woman and a female journalist, throughout her years of serving her readers and the nation. This photo was shared by none other than the Repubblichino of the fascist Repubblichini.

Imma it was only Daphne and about Daphne – a woman in this case – u ma tarax.

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