How the media depicted Imperium Europa in a bad light

Too many people today live in their little bubble. The masses have again supported PNPL, the one party, that is guilty of the state that Malta is in today. Both parties have harmed this country, but this country feeds on a political obsessive-compulsive disorder, and there is no way that it will heal. And for the masses, it doesn’t matter if this same choice will lead them to get crucified. The masses complain of overpopulation and cheap labour, yet they are keen on electing the same parties that brought this country to this miserable state.

The masses keep on electing mortals who are not fit-for-purpose and who think they are gods once they are in power. Once in power, they forget what they promise and just obey the puppeteers while screwing the whole nation.

Of course, the media, the propaganda machine, did its part to brainwash the masses and channel them to either vote for one or the other. I am sorry to tell you, but any choice between these ‘two-in-one’ parties will lead you from the pan to the fire.

The media was in damage control of Imperium Ewropa, the only anti-globalist party. Only this site gave the public a few write-ups about their policies. From the mainstream media, I did not accept anything better. But no other so-called ‘independent’ media did either,’ ‘where your opinion matters’, because now it all boils down to mere opinions, you see – and opinions won’t get you anywhere except debates, and debates won’t free you. Neither will ‘uncensored news’ get you anywhere, when in reality, some topics are censored because the ‘uncensored news’ regards them as ‘conspiracy theories’. Time will tell. And yet ‘your opinion matters’ and ‘uncensored news’ joined forces to bark. Because it all boils down to whatever this site publishes, which is perceived as a threat because, together with Imperium Europa, even was targeted since this site turned into the mouthpiece of Imperium Europa’s policies. The has become a threat.

Anyway. The media depicted Imperium Europa in a bad light:

If anyone of you had watched the interview above, you would have noticed how the presenter undermined Mr Sammut. Because a seasoned presenter knows very well how to be in control in front of TV cameras, and when this same seasoned presenter has his own ulterior motives and agendas, he would know very well how to bully his guests, especially those who are not used to being on TV. Mr. Sammut had no chance, even though he presumably intended to draw a contrast, which he miscalculated in his speech preparation. Balzan, the seasoned presenter and liberal propagandist with his die-hard, far-left, and communist thinking, was the one who brought up Hitler in an attempt to disparage Lowell without allowing his guest an opportunity to say anything critical. But Balzan enjoys travelling on the fame train.

I am not defending Hitler in any way, but let us not forget that Hitler also did some good things. But these are not mentioned in the so-called history books. He outlawed unemployment because he imposed conscription on the unemployed, forcing everyone [except women, as they were the child carers] to work for pay no matter what. He imposed an import embargo in an effort to make the nation self-sufficient. He issued the first laws against the cruelty of animals; people who drove while drunk were fined; organized crime was stopped; he issued laws in favour of the environment; he founded Volkswagen and wanted that every family have a car; he stopped smoking in public; he worked for women’s rights and social services; no one was unemployed in Germany; and he introduced the autobahns. But his economic policies were geared for war and we cannot cancel the horrors and heinous things he did. But since when being objective and saying the truth as it is has become taboo? But his heinous crimes and horrors override the good he did. So now that I have written about the good things that Hitler has done, does that make me a Nazi?

Moreover, let us not forget that many people died and went through decades of suffering that were caused in Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union/Russia.

In the EU’s context, Imperium Ewropa is a Right-Pan-European-Nationalist-Libertarian. In Malta’s context, it is Right-Nationalist-Libertarian. Pan-Europeanism, as it emerged in the wake of World War I, derived a sense of European identity from the idea of a shared history, which was taken to be the source of a set of fundamental ‘European values.’ Pan-European Nationalism, also known as European nationalism, is a form of pan-nationalised based on a pan-European identity. It is distinct from Pro-Europeanism, which is primarily underpinned by liberal values, in being based on a civilizational understanding of Europe as a continent of white Christians with shared histories and cultural values and usually seeks to transform the current political system of the European Union.

When it comes to ‘libertarian’ it is not ‘liberalism’. A libertarian is an advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens. It should be highlighted that libertarianism is quite conservative on economic issues (fiscal conservatism). But the liberals and their media won’t tell you this.

All the policies that IE candidate Terrence Portelli talked about and which this site wrote about, are in line with the above political philosophies. But IE was labelled as nazist, far-right, extremist, and any other umbrella term you can think of. And is seen as their lady, when the media [and the public] cannot tell the difference between being a journalist and being part of a political party.

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