How the entire O.J. Simpson case was concocted as an elaborate effort to cause racial tensions

“People who have attended high level Illuminati meetings were instructed in how the Illuminati plan to bring in the NWO anti-Christ reign by making everything appear as if it has happened naturally. The Illuminati have decided to camouflage their actions with the creation of normalcy to avert any suspicions. An example of something which appears to have happened naturally is the O.J. Simpson case, which was planned based on previous murder scenarios which had been successfully covered up. O.J. Simpson was a CIA mind-controlled slave, and the entire Simpson case was concocted as an elaborate effort to cause racial tensions.

The Mishpucka, the CIA, the Mob and the Illuminati have all had their dirty hands involved in the entire affair. The entire affair reeks of manipulation and planning. It is not the goal of this paragraph to go into the case, but just to drop a couple details. Joey Ippolito Jr. is both CIA and Mob. Ippolito at one time lived in Hallendale, FL, a mob housing subdivision which was protected by a police force run by the mob. He has helped run drugs and wet ops for “the Combination” which interconnects with the Illuminati. O.J. Simpson’s friend Cowlings worked for Joey Ippolito, as well as O.J. Simpson. Simpson distributed cocaine for Joey Ippolito and the Combination. Simpson’s lawyer also is tied to the Illuminati, the CIA, and the mob. One of this lawyers on TV said the trail reeked of government corruption. Nicole Simpson lived next door to Carl Colby (former CIA director Bill Colbys son). Colby’s wife and kids have been subjected to mind-control. Colby’s wife testified in O.J. Simpson’s trial, but was addressed as ‘Miss Boe’ rather than by her name. O.J. Simpson’s mother worked for a California State Mental Hospital in San Francisco for 30 years. Many State Mental Hospital workers have children who have been programmed. When one of the jurors in Simpson’s case, Tracy Hampton, had her mind-control programming go haywire, she began staring for long periods at a blank TV and hearing voices. She had to be dismissed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the coverup author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case.”

Tracy Hampton, the seventh person to be excused from the O.J. Simpson
F Lee Bailey, one of the defence lawyers in the 1995 murder trial of OJ Simpson
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