Everything has been turned to work under a single governmental system in a world which is a living fiction

“Then you had the movies, like The Day the Earth stood still and the Martian or whatever he was came from outer space to see, who did they want to see? Scientists at the United Nations, the UN, the ones who are supposed to be there to create world government, you see, that was the idea of it.  And lots more like that too since then in fact on the same theme… Give up all your sovereignty and join together under a global structure… which was set up by the same structure like the Milner group that became the Royal Institute of International Affairs, that’s also part of the Council on Foreign Relations branch, they belong to the main one in Britain.  And all the other names that they’ve changed over the years to include the one in Canada, which they changed again not too long ago.  As soon as you get to know their names, they keep changing them, ‘eh, like will-o’-the-wisps, but it’s the same organizations.  Also, they have one for the Pacific region as well, and the far eastern Pacific region, all lumped together for trading blocks.  They gave us the free trade agreements.  They set up China. They set up the European Union. The members of the CFR openly boasted about drafting up all the legislation, they were working feverishly towards it, for the unification of Europe under a single governmental system. That was the whole plan of it. 

They wanted to do the same thing in Canada starting with the free trade agreement, then the NAFTA agreement, then it’s the USMCA agreement today, it’s all the same agreement, with the intention of unification with a singular type parliamentary system.  Of course, that’s what held up before, where the US still wanted a… its own government really.  Then talk about Fortress America, well WE’D HAVE TO COME TOGETHER UNDER A SINGULAR STRUCTURE FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE WHOLE OF THE CONTINENT, because of 9/11. That’s what they tried then, Fortress America.  That kind of flopped as well because the US still had a strong governmental sovereignty system, at least the people had.  And that’s waning now.  So that will bring its head up again shortly to push the same agenda now that the US appears to be weakened, you see.

I said before, the US really doesn’t have too much to do now except to finish off a few countries on the list that was published in the 90s by the PNAC group.  And republished again a few times since then.  They want all those countries taken out naturally.  So, it’s going to be interesting to watch it all happen.  And once you’ve found that your usefulness is over, believe you me, you will be left, you will be wrung out like a sponge and left with a massive debt and you fall backwards.

I have no doubt at all that’s what the Covid agenda is going to accomplish as well because you’re supposedly, even though money is all a joke, it’s beyond a joke and it’s a farce, ‘eh.  Special magical people are brought in that have got a different way of counting than anybody else to manage the US Federal Reserve, and every other country’s central banking system.  And you really think you’re going to pay off all this massive, this trillions and trillions of dollars that doesn’t even exist, they just put blips on the screen and that’s put into your account and that’s it, for the bank for the country.  But you really think you’re going to pay all this back? It’s not expected that you could ever pay it back. Even if it was possible, you could never do it actually. They’ll never allow it to happen because debt is a form of control.  You understand that much, right?  That’s what its main purpose is.  Enriching those that lend it is only secondary. But power comes from lending the cash out in the first place, being the boss.  Because you now have the power as governments come to you to borrow more and more and more, you’ve got the power to sink them overnight if they don’t comply with your demands, and it’s always social change demands that they want. 

So again, you’re living through a fiction. We could only go through this fictional existence with the incredible indoctrination we get, starting with your parents who were indoctrinated before you and who think that’s the whole of the, everything exists the way it is because it’s natural and real, etc. They really believe that most of them.  Unless they’ve had personal experience walking up against invisible walls that shouldn’t be there in your imaginary existence.  But the walls appear very quickly, they jump up like gates coming up, like big bars coming up from the ground as soon as you break one little taboo, knowingly or unknowingly, and suddenly you can’t go any further in that direction basically, you’ll get warned off at the very least.  And that’s how the world really works.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting Through the Matrix, January 2021]


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