Dr Mark Hyman explains the Big Dairy Industry in America

In this series, we will see the myths behind milk and other information about the dairy industry.

Dr Mark Hyman is one of the most influential and authoritative leaders in the doctoral space. He is also best-selling author of ‘The 10 Day Detox Diet’. He also did amazing blood work, giving patients their whole lives back. His philosophy is that “Food isn’t like medicine, it is our medicine and it’s our number one tool for creating the vibrant health we deserve”. You can have a look at his work on his website.

Here is what he had to say about milk:

“Despite the fact that the government says to drink a glass of milk a day for adults and two for kids, there’s really no scientific basis for that.

If I handed you a beverage, right, that would cause you to gain weight, cause bloating, acne, gas, allergies, eczema, make your bones brittle, maybe even cause cancer, would you drink it? Would you chug three cups of that liquid every day and give two cups to your children? Well, probably not. Well, that’s exactly what the Federal Government tells us to do, and that milk is the perfect food for Americans and they should drink it daily, three glasses to be exact, in spite of a large and growing body of research that shows its lack of benefit and potentially awful side effects.

Now, I agree, it is nature’s perfect food, but only if you’re a calf. Even though cow’s milk today contains dozen of reproductive hormones, allergenic proteins, antibiotics, growth factors, growth hormones, some which by the way are known to promote cancer, the dairy industry wants us to believe that their cows are happily producing milk and grazing through green pastures. For the most part, it could be further from the truth. So today we’re going to talk about why dairy is such a contentious food; how to tackle the pros and cons of whether it belongs in your diet and maybe which dairy is okay to eat.

Now, here’s the truth. Now I wrote a book called ‘Food Fix,’ right, where I went deep into the machinations of the food industry, the collusion between government and the food industry, and by the way, there’s a lot of revolving doors. So people from the Dairy Council work for the government, and go back to work for the Dairy Council, and it’s kind of a mess.

Now, Big Dairy is really behind the headlines that milk is good for you. It is a $47 billion dollar a year industry. It’s one of the most influential food lobbyists on Capitol Hill. According to the Center for Responsive Politics which is a non-partisan group that tracks money in politics, the dairy industry gave nearly $46 million dollars to politicians between 1990 and 2016.

In 2015, the Committee of Scientific experts that shape the dietary guidelines, included two members with financial ties to Big Dairy. Furthermore, the Dairy Industry spent millions of dollars funding studies that claim that milk offers benefits like weight loss, improve health, and stronger bones.”

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