Democracy is the new, more sophisticated form of slavery

Alan Watt: “Thanks for calling. Now I’ve got Klaus in Iowa. Klaus?

Klaus: Yes. How are you tonight?

Alan: Not so bad. Hold on Klaus and we’ll be back after the break. Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we’re talking with Klaus from Iowa on the phone. Are you there, Klaus?

Klaus: Yes I am here. How are you doing?

Alan: I’m just relaxing after humping wood up a hill.

Klaus: I had two items I wanted to kind of bring to your attention. They’re a little bit disparate but they do relate to a lot of the stuff that you’re talking about. Number one, you had mentioned something about people and societies being independent and that is not what the powers that be like to have, right? Are you aware — have you seen the book called ‘The Law of the Somalis?’

Alan: The Somalis? Not that one, no.

Klaus: Are you familiar with Somalia in Africa?

Alan: Yes.

Klaus: Are you familiar with the fact that they have no central government?

Alan: Yes.

Klaus: And that they are working basically on customary law?

Alan: That’s right. There’s even people in Iran, tribes that moved through there are very similar to that in fact.

Klaus: Right. Well I would recommend if you have an opportunity to get hold of this book. It’s by Michael Van Nooten and this book was published in 2005. It’s a fairly new book. It’s an incredible exposition of the study of their laws and the whole system that they go by: the family, the clan and all the various levels.

Alan: You see that’s how all of even Europe used to be. You didn’t have whole cities of lawyers or words that you couldn’t understand. They were very simple, very basic. Everyone knew the cultural laws or rules as they called them and there was no problem. Our whole system was taken over on behalf of the elite by this fake legal system.

Klaus: Yes. It kind of stems from the old biblical concepts of the tens, the hundreds, the thousands and Michael Van Nooten is very, very interesting. He was a Dutch lawyer, an attorney from the Netherlands. He died in 2002. Someone by the name of Spencer Heath McCowen took his work and edited and published it and the interesting thing is he had spent the last 12 years of his life living with the clan because he had married into one of the clans and a fascinating story. Just absolutely fascinating and it’s a marvelous, marvelous book and how they basically he describes the fact that when you have central government, ‘democracy’ and so forth, it is totally destructive of the civilization.

Alan: You become a slave.
Klaus: Absolutely.

Alan: That’s all it is. It’s a cover. Charles Galton Darwin said it. He says, ‘we’re creating a new more sophisticated form of slavery,’ and that is exactly what democracy is.

Klaus: Yes. Anyway, I really recommend the book if you have a chance to read it. He’s also got a really beautiful appendix here called the Freeport Plan, kind of an overall viewpoint of developing a Freeport city but in the clan system. It’s just an amazing concept.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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