Democracy always ends with dictatorship

Alan: Now we’ve got Dan from Kentucky. Are you there, Dan? Hello Dan?
Dan: How are you?

Alan: Not so bad. How are you?

Dan: Good, good. You’ve mentioned in your books about hook or by crook and it made me think what you said about the pharaohs having a flail and a crook, and the good shepherd with rod and staff will comfort me, but also the phrase “hook or crook,” it seems like hook is the reason they give you and then crook is the real reason.

Alan: That’s right. What they use to do with that little crook was to pull on the neck of the sheep to point them in the right direction and if they didn’t go, they used the rod. They’d bash them on the head with the rod, so coercion first followed by force. That’s what law is based on and that’s what you’ll see the Queen holding, a miniature Scepter in one hand and there’s actually a miniature whip in the other too. This goes back thousands of years.

Dan: I had an idea that maybe people could get together personally or even on the internet and share strategies that have worked in dealing with psychopaths at lower or higher levels even in their own families and that kind of networking; you mentioned standing up to them with their arrogance and things. If the people could even get together and strategize even on the internet or in person, that would be good idea. Also in Ancient Greece, Gore Vidal in ‘Creation’ mentions in other places that democracy was something that they could change anytime. They’d change a treaty or whenever anything came through, so democracy could change at the whim of the people in power.

Alan: ‘Democracy,’ even Plato said it, always ends up with dictatorship, so they knew that 2,300 years ago. In other words, it’s intended that it goes that way to give you a king of the world one day, at least a figurehead at least.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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