Daniel Attard, Labour MEP candidate uses the passing of Dr Muscat’s father to spread more ħdura  

Thirty-one year old Daniel Attard is one of Labour’s MEP candidates, who is quite motivated selling himself to you so to be on the EU’s payroll. Ambition, you might say, plus his “desire to promote peace and economic sustainability.”

In an article by Hatin Malta, Lovin PN, we read that his actions, not just his words, speak volumes about his convictions and that throughout his political career, he has consistently fought to amplify the voices of the marginalised and to champion causes that embody the principles of social justice.

One must really stoop low to use the passing of someone, in this case the passing of the father of Dr. Joseph Muscat, to gain sympathy and votes. His post below shows that his words, together with his action of putting up this post, do speak volumes….

This is the usual childish tactic played in politics but which happened to work well in the hypnotic sessions of the mass hypnosis of the masses- others are ħodor and kattivi, mela ħa npeċlaq fuq Facebook ħalli n-nies jiħdaru u joħorgu jivvutaw għalija u għall-partit. When are we going to have politicians and MEPs who have a backbone and are spiritually and emotionally mature to rise above any low vibration and use better tactics to make their point and still gain the trust of the public?

Daniel Attard, be careful about who are the kattivi in Castille because I can assure you that you will be surprised as how many from both parties are because their words and actions speak volumes….

Here is another statement of his which speaks volumes:

“throughout my political career, I have consistently fought to amplify the voices of the marginalised and to champion causes that embody the principles of social justice.” Is he referring to when he was Mayor of Mtarfa, “who spent months steering the local council from his office at Malta’s High Commission in London”? Here is a comment about Daniel Attard:

If you want to read about Dr Daniel Attard and how nepotism works in the everything-but-workers’ labour party works, please read here.

The Labour supporters must feel so overjoyed and can keep their mind at rest knowing that they can trust a young white collar man driving around in London in a luxury car and smiling to the camera with another white collar man, both lawyers, and both in politics, while the former will consistently fight to amplify their voice, being the marginalised, while he champions the causes that embody the principles of elitist injustices.

So much fuzzy language – statements, after all, which are only taking you for a ride.

L-unika rieda li qed titqawwa f’Daniel Attard hija dik li jaħdem b’inqas tbatija possibli kif dejjem għamel grazzi għall-partit tal-fqar u tal-ħaddiema, ħalli jaqla’ aktar flus waqt li jkun fuq il-payroll tal-EU biex inti tibqa’ tinbigħ fil-prostituzzjoni mal-istess EU bil-permess ta’ kull min huwa ġewwa Kastilja u nistgħu nżidu tan-naħa l-oħra fil-Parlament!

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