Brussels opened a debate on weather manipulation

Last year, Brussels opened a debate on weather manipulation. The saying goes that it is better late than never. But Brussels should not be taking Europe for a ride, as if weather manipulation is something which is new, because weather manipulation has been going on for many years now – since the 1990s, one can say.

But it’s still a plus to have more of this not only being reported in the mainstream media but being ‘discussed’ in Brussels, while hoping that those who deny that the climate is being changed unnaturally through weather manipulation and geoengineering means, will start connecting the dots.

Here is my analysis in brackets of the article by Euronews, which reads:

“Can the weather be manipulated to combat climate change? The European Commission on Wednesday opened the discussion on geoengineering, a controversial technology still under development that aims to help cool the planet.

Can the weather be manipulated to combat climate change? [Combat? The weather is being manipulated to create climate change.]

The European Commission on Wednesday opened the discussion on geoengineering, a controversial technology still under development that aims to help cool the planet. [By discussion, it means that the Commission will be deciding on your behalf. The planet does not need cooling. We always had four seasons, which, if not messed up, do their job very well as nature intended. Who the heck decided that it must be so?]

‘We note that geoengineering is being discussed and researched in different parts of the world and that it is seen by some as a possible future response to climate change,’ EU Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans told journalists in Brussels. [It is already being used not as a response, but as a tool to create the response needed, so to cause a desired behaviour from the people, while they keep on coming up with solutions which will further control the people who must shoulder the responsibility so ‘to save the planet.’ ]

This is an issue of global importance and considerable risks; no one would conduct experiments alone on our shared planet.’ [Experiments are already being done and considering that they are now making geoengineering an issue, rest assured that they will come up with their solutions on how to continue experimenting with the weather.]

But what exactly is geoengineering and how can it manipulate the weather? Researchers are already working on several types of technologies to reduce temperatures.

One of them is stratospheric aerosol injection, which means that airplanes emit tiny particles that reflect light. [This is already being done, with aerial spraying. And airplanes are emitting more than just mere ‘tiny particles.’ Besides, who the heck gave these unelected technocrats permission to inject our skies in order to take away from us the right to have light and the so-much beneficial sun?]

However, experts believe this would require hundreds or even thousands of special aircraft in operation for years. [The usual experts. Aircraft already fly in all countries, and you do not need hundreds or thousands. A few are already doing the job.]

And then there is marine cloud brightening, which attempts to increase the reflectivity of low clouds using aerosol particles released from ships. [Such a relief to know that they are even using ships. Poisoned and targeted from all angles, you see.]

An important part of the scientific community is critical of these technologies. [The usual thing where first you have experts pushing forward such ideas and then here come the other set of experts who criticise such ideas. Two opposing sides so to keep you in a pendulum.]

450 researchers expressed their concerns in an open letter.

Among them is Frank Biermann, an expert in global governance at Utrecht University:

‘These uncertainties cannot be eliminated through research because the final impact of these technologies cannot be known until they have been tested on a planetary scale,’ he says. [They are already ongoing without ever having been tested and without the people’s consent. The final impact is the climate chaos we have today.]

‘You can’t really remove all the uncertainties by doing experiments in the lab, but small-scale experiments can’t really tell the whole story either. They don’t tell you about the risks that only become apparent when you deploy these technologies on a planetary scale for many, many years. Social scientists are very concerned about the geopolitical risk. What happens if a few countries go it alone?’ [We are already at risk with whatever they are spraying, which is not only manipulating the weather, but which is also creating illnesses, and fatigue. Surely, member states, Britain, America and Canada are among the countries which are being sprayed and affected by this technology. Forget the few which will go for it alone.]

A group of scientists, mainly in the USA, are pushing these ideas forward. [Here come the usual scientists, who push the idea forward. Ironically they come from the USA, when weather manipulation, through HAARP and spraying from the military started from the Pentagon. Do you think all the above will help you make up your mind?]

But the European Commission believes that the issue should be discussed at the highest international level to decide whether and what kind of regulation is necessary.” [We are further screwed because when matters are discussed at the HIGHEST INTERNATIONAL LEVEL without your consent, on your behalf, then rest assured, that it won’t be anything beneficial in the long run.]

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