Bishop Mar Mari: Book of Revelation Chapter 13 & its relevance to our times – the seventh empire is also the eighth but the eighth is also the seventh

“When we read the Book of Revelation, it’s definitely prophetic, and it’s definitely symbolic, in so many instances. So, that’s why sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand this language of prophecy and symbolism. Very hard to understand it. But we thank the Lord for the prophet Daniel and we thank the Lord for the apostle John for explaining it in his entire Book of Revelation. Seventeen sheds light on thirteen. And Daniel seven and Daniel eight shed light on the Book of Revelation Chapter 13 and also St Paul at a later stage my beloved, throughout his epistles, shed light both on Revelation and also Daniel.

The Holy Bible is interwoven; it’s interlocking – one unit. It explains itself by itself but obviously it needs a lot of study, it needs a lot of research, it needs a lot of hard work, to realise what the Lord Jesus or the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us through the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New Testament.

So now, Revelation 13:1 talked about the beast that came out of the sea that had seven heads and ten horns. Now, and then John the Beloved says it was like a lion, it was like a bear, and like a leopard and he spoke and he had all the authority of the dragon. So the dragon is Satan. The Beast is not Satan but he has the authority from Satan. And then we said, when we went to Daniel 7, we realised that these heads are empires. Because Daniel in Chapter 7, he sees four beasts coming out of the sea: one like a lion, like a bear, like a leopard, and a terrible beast. So, the lion, the bear and the leopard, all of them are in Revelation 13:1 beast. And Revelation 13:1 beast is the terrible beast that has also ten horns because the last terrible beast in Daniel 7 has ten horns as well.

But then a little horn comes out which we will explain all these later on. So now, since we looked at Daniel, he is telling us that these beasts are empires because Daniel Chapter 2, Chapter 5 and 8 – they tell us precisely that these are empires. Now since one of the heads is an empire then all of the heads are empires. And he said it to Nebuchadnezzar. He said the gold is you. The lion is you. The Babylonian Empire. The bear, who has the arms and chest of silver is Medo-Persian Empire. The leopard the Greek empire. This is all explained in Daniel. You read Daniel Chapter 2, Chapter 5 and Chapter 8. He explains them all – who is the lion, who is the bear, who is the leopard. So when these lion, bear, leopard are all empires explained by Daniel, well this lion, bear and leopard is all this beast which John the Beloved saw in 13:1 coming out of the sea. So this beast has seven heads. Therefore each head is an empire. Are you with me?

So the Babylonian Empire, followed by the Medo-Persian, followed by the Greeks, then the Romans. Before the Babylonian was the Assyrian. Before the Assyrian was the Egyptian. And after the Greeks, the Roman Empire, who is. So John comes back again and he says five have fallen. Five have fallen. Who are the ones fallen? Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonia, Medo-Persians and the Greeks. At the time of John these were already gone. One is at my time, said John. Who was ruling at the time of John around 100AD? The Roman Empire because they ruled from 200BC to 467AD. John was in 100AD writing the Book of Revelation. So Roman Empire is still is. That’s why he said one is. Yes? And the seventh is yet to come.

When he comes, the seventh will be slained. Out of this wound, the eighth will come out. I’m going to say it in simple English. The seventh will stay for a little while, and then he’ll be slained, he’ll be wounded. Out of this wound, the eighth head will come. But this eighth, he is saying, in 17:9-11, in Revelation 17:9-11, he is saying the eighth is also the seventh. No difference.”

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