Bishop Mar Mari: Book of Revelation Chapter 13 & its relevance to our times – the seven heads (part two)

“Who are the five that are fallen already? At the time of John the Beloved writing the Book of Revelation, the first one that was already gone was the Egyptian Empire. The second one, the Assyrian Empire. The third one, the Babylonian Empire. The fourth one, the Medo-Persian Empire, and the fifth one, the Greek Empire. These had already fallen when John the Beloved was writing the Book of Revelation around 118, because these empires were much longer before John the Beloved.

But he says there is one still remaining in my time. So which empire was ruling at the time of John the Beloved writing his book? The Roman Empire. The Roman Empire. “Five have fallen, one is.” Daniel saw the lion, the bear, the leopard, and the terrible beast. Daniel explains the head was fine gold, that is Nebuchadnezzar. So, the gold is what? The Babylonian Empire. The bear – the Medo-Persian Empire. The leopard – Greeks. The terrible beast – the Roman Empire. So, if these were empires, who was before the Babylonian Empire? Assyrian. Who was before the Assyrian? Egyptian. So, when you count the Egyptian Empire, the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Medo-Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire – that’s six. The seventh empire he’s saying is yet to come. The seventh is yet to come.

I want to go back to Revelation 17, 9-11. Please, bear with me. I want to read it again. Now, five have fallen, one still is, he said it was the Roman Empire. The seventh one, John the Beloved is saying is yet to come. How many heads did he see in the beast that came out of the sea? Seven heads. Each head is representing an empire, yes? So, the seventh one hasn’t come. Now when we read 17, 9-11, look what he’s saying:

‘Here is the mind which has wisdom; the seven heads are seven mountains [Bishop Mar Mari: governmental systems, empires] on which the woman sits. There are also seven kings [Bishop Mar Mari: because every empire requires a king]. Five have fallen, [Bishop Mar Mari: Who are the five? Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and the Greek. These had fallen at the time of John the Beloved.] One is, [Bishop Mar Mari: Who was ruling at the time of John? The Roman Empire, the sixth]. And the other has not yet to come. Bishop: The seventh head, at the time of John the Beloved, has not yet been seen at the horizon.

But look what he’s talking about the seventh? ‘And when he comes’ – he’s talking about the seventh head, ‘he must continue a short time.’ The seventh head is another empire. ‘When he comes, he must continue a short time. The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth’ [giggling]. Now that’s hard isn’t it? Man, that’s hard! What does mean ‘was and is not?’ ‘The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven.’

John the Beloved, is he the eighth or the seventh? He said no, the eighth is the seventh. But I know when I went to school that number seven is not number eight. They are two different numbers. Please. He said no, the eighth is the seventh. He was and is not, and has still yet to come. And this is the eighth and also the seventh, ‘and is going to perdition.’ At the end, the Lord Jesus, will unplug him from his roots and throw him in the river of fire. Who is in charge? The Lord Jesus.

Can we go to the last slide please? The six empires are. Number one, the Egyptian Empire around 2300 B.C. followed by the Assyrian Empire between 800 to 600 B.C., followed by the Babylonian Empire around 600 B.C., Medo-Persian Empire around 500 B.C., the Greek Empire around 400 B.C., and the last sixth empire is the Roman Empire between 200 B.C. to 467 A.D. They ruled over 600 years the Roman Empire and it was the most terrible, the shocking of all the other empires that came before it. And they ruled the longest. 667 years. We got tired of two years of lockdown. [laughter]. You haven’t seen nothing. Imagine you are being enslaved by an empire who is like a vampire for 667 years.

This is the end of part one.”

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