Alan Watt on how to be able to differentiate between disinformation and real information: you have to embrace individuality and guard your own mind

And yet they are the modern ones with the drive-through mentality, coffee drive-through, donuts drive-through give me the experience. Use the money – given the experience. It’s fascinating to see how all this is being created for them and how they have fallen so easily for it.

But their own vocabulary, which they didn’t invent, the Big Boys, that gave them the whole culture invented that for them. It’s fascinating to watch it all being played out again and promoted. And the gurus who lead them, put out there as fronts and who they themselves are only partly trained and esoteric. They must lead them in the same path always, because they can’t go any further. They don’t have the knowledge or the abilities so they advocate drugs which is a sad thing to see that. But when the greatest gift anyone has given is the ability to be completely conscious and it’s understandable with the crisis creation to create uncertainty, confusion, and fear that people are unable to handle their conscious mind, so they turn to something to escape this, again it’s all a technique.

But when you see such a war being played on your conscious mind, that should be you cue, to rather than throw away your ability to be conscious, fight to keep it, fight to retain your conscious mind, your ability to go further. Don’t be afraid of all the height they throw your way and impending gloom, doom and horror and crisis after crisis. That’s the technique to wear you down. It’s the technique to control you.

And another thing I’ve said over and over is that the well big-funded people who come out either pretending to lead you through the new age did not get there by chance. And the other ones who get into the political side of things and that their chance is to wrap you back into politics again and terrify you with all impending things are going to happen to you. Well see, psychological warfare doesn’t care who gives that to you, that information, whether it’s a guy in government or a person who pretends to speak for you.

The whole idea is to paralyze you with fear so that you’re not thinking critically and rationally. So be careful. You are the guardian of your own mind. No one else is. And within that walls that protect your mind, you have sacred ground, sacred ground. Be careful who you allow to walk upon it.

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