Alan Watt on how to be able to differentiate between disinformation and real information: authorised players are put out there to lead you into massive confusion

Here is Alan Watt exposing shills for educational purposes so people could understand the difference between disinformation and real information. Only when you have real knowledgeable data you can bring about changes in the world:

The biggest authorised players in the New Age are put out there to be heroes; to lead you into massive confusion and they’ve been doing that for over 600 years. Now they give you the heroes to oppose convention. But in reality is to sway you into the next phase of conditioning, for the next society, generally bringing in the fantastique with it.

I’ve had so many people phoning me and emailing me about the reptilian people that they haven’t seen any of them, but because it’s been written in a book and used the power of the written word, and so it must be true you see. [My explanation: The Reptilians or lizard people are an idea that was made popular by David Icke, who claims that shapeshifting reptilian aliens control the Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies, and that many world leaders are possessed by such reptilians. Nice fantasy fairy tale, isn’t it?]

If it’s in the book, then it must be true. And about a half a dozen books come out seeing the same nonsense, that it must be truer than true. That’s the psychology that people fall for. It doesn’t matter if there a billion books coming out and saying it, it still doesn’t make it true. So you are fighting the bizarre and Tavistock institutions nonsense, put out by the superstars generally from the UK, who by the way, one of them phoned different stations and asked them not to have me on, after sending me a bunch of nasty emails. So be careful. Be very very careful. Guard the corridors of your mind carefully. It’s the most precious possession. Don’t let anyone come in with fantastic stories which entice you into a labyrinth of confusion. It’s a business plan and it’s the same with anything else. It’s a great psychological technique to disarm people, to make them think there’s nothing they can do because it’s the same thing whether it’s fate, it’s horoscopes, it’s card games, or anything else. That’s the trick – to make you give up your own reasoning power and your ability to create a future of yourself. You create your fate, your destiny. That is what you’re here for.

The shysters know how to rob you of that ability and they will always give you the fantastic stuff, to swallow the bait. And because people cannot handle individuality very very well with all of its decision making, and uncertainty, did they want, especially a time of more crisis of major crisis as we’re going through now, they want a promise of security, that’s why they are taking all your freedoms away to make you safe. You say this is nonsense. We’re fed and it’s the same thing with the psychological warfare departments, with all the people who talk about fate and destiny and it’s written ya da, ya da, ya…

That steals the power of creating your own destiny. It also makes you small once you swallow that stuff. It makes you feel small and helpless and you feel you’re up against forces which are unseen and invisible and there’s nothing you can do. It’s the oldest trick in the book.

When Germany was going to invade Poland, they had rewritten the prophecies of Nostradamus and they dropped thousands of leaflets all over the major cities. And in those prophecies they had it wrong. This is what happened to Poland, you see. And it worked wonders – psychological warfare. You give up before you begin. That’s what psychological warfare is all about.

Yet here are the gurus of the New Age, and it’s amazing how the New Agers gobble that they are the best consumers of religion, out there, that they’re any than any other religion out today because it’s made to be so through heavy promotion and financing. And they don’t even question how these books all get out there so cheaply and stack the shelves with guru this and guru that, advocating this knack in a drug but that’s the present craze right now – it’s drugs for your mystical experience.

It never occurs to them because they are not individuals. It never occurs to them that there could be any other way. Never does. They want the easy fast way – a chemical way – the modern, a chemical way. Here’s the money. Give me the experience. They have no knowledge of the topics. They only have an esoteric and very superficial esoteric understanding of that which they’re think they are involved in or they believe in.”

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