A Maltese parent is disgusted that at a school ceremony, all children were addressed with gender neutral pronouns

[Parents, speak out and fight against this injustice against you and your children!

I am utterly disgusted. I attended a ceremony in the school of my daughter and without asking for our consent, all the children were addressed with gender neutral pronouns. I have given birth to a daughter and I pretend that she is addressed with ‘her’ and not ‘their.’ I have given birth to a daughter and this is a known fact both from herself and myself, her mother. How she is to be addressed is a right and no one takes it away from me. Anyone else can be addressed as one’s wishes, but without any way and any law should a minority impose on the majority. Inclusion has become a farse and has turned into exclusion for anything that has been for hundreds of years. The story won’t stop here.

Chiswick House School and St. Martin’s College – Malta.]

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