Żurrieq residents put up stickers cautioning candidates to keep away. Can all Malta have similar stickers of various versions?

Many inhabitants of Żurrieq have placed yellow stickers on their doorbells, cautioning candidates running in the local and European elections to keep away unless they oppose two significant developments in the area.

As the election on June 8 draws near, politicians are going door-to-door to court voters.

However, some inhabitants of Żurrieq have affixed a bright yellow sticker that says,

“Dear candidate, do not knock on this door unless you spoke up against development in Nigret and tal-Bebbux,” to their doorbells and letter boxes.

Around 1,500 objections were made against PC/00049/19, an application to allow development on 12,000 square meters of agricultural land in Nigret, Żurrieq which was vigorously disputed by the locals last year.

Nevertheless, the Żurrieq farming development was approved by the Planning Authority by a unanimous vote.

Grand Property Holdings Ltd., the applicants, is owned by James Barbara and Jason Mifsud. The application permits them to build a new road, extend an existing one, and rezone the entire property for terraced homes.

The location should be designated as a community open space, as requested by the Żurrieq Residents’ Association and the government.

“Żurrieq Residents’ Association had urged the government to designate the site as a community open space.

Imma l-aqwa li niftaħru bil-Project Green u nonfqu aktar miljuni biex inkomplu nitmejlu bin-nies u nnessuhom li qed inkissrulhom kull biċċa art li għandhom fir-raħal! U mbagħad jiġu jitkellmu fuq l-ambjent, u li aħna ċ-ċittadini komuni rridu nitgħawġu u nonfqu aktar u nħallsu aktar taxxi biex taparsi nsalvaw l-ambjent għax it-tort dejjem tagħna! X’pastażata ta’ politikanti! I repeat: “They first allowed the Big Property Biz Boys to destroy anything green which was left on this island, which has been turned into one suffocated urban city, and now they give you the illusion of urban greening. Ħalluna agħmlulna pjaċir għax xbajna sal-ponta ta’ kull ponta! Kissirtuhulna pajjiż u tibqgħu titmejlu bin-nies!”

In another story about yet another project in Żurrieq published by TOM this week we see how the government has officially approved the construction of a road that will cut through agricultural property and make way for the construction of three-storey homes.

But please note the following date in this cited paragraph:

“Farmers whose families have tilled the land for generations told Times of Malta that they were aware that the area, once ODZ, had lost development protection in 2006 through the rationalisation exercise by the government.” Who was governing in 2006? The PN. Why wasn’t this highlighted?

Both parties stink, dear readers!

However, the tree-lined and arable land was still farmed, and the Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development stipulates that “good quality agricultural land from development” must be preserved.

According to information provided to Times of Malta, “anonymous activists” have been giving the stickers to locals. It is none of your business who are they, Times of Malta. Let the people protest to preserve what is left of their country.

This action by Żurrieq residents follows that of Marsascala residents, who, back in 2022, placed stickers on their doorbells warning politicians to stay away unless they planned to oppose the marina plans. The people’s voice mattered and Prime Minister Robert Abela dropped the marina plans.

Because the Maltese commoners have ended up defending their own country from the Big Biz Property, Construction and Development Boys which have hijacked the Labour Party, in order to preserve their own country, or whatever is left from it, when the Big Biz Property, Construction and Development Boys should also be putting their country first, instead of the rotten love of the rotten money.

Can all Malta have similar stickers of various versions? For example, ‘Dear candidate, do not knock on this door unless you spoke up against the deadly and experimental COVID-19 vaccine’ or ‘Dear candidate, do not knock on this door unless you give us back the millions stolen from us of the Steward/Vital deal’ or ‘Dear candidate, do not knock on this door unless you stop the mainstream media from spreading more lies, disinformation and misinformation’ or ‘Dear candidate, do not knock on this door unless you are speaking against the climate change agenda’ or ‘Dear candidate, do not knock on this door unless you know of the evil agendas and stop being bootlickers of the EU, the WHO, the WEF and the UN.’

#qażżistuna u dardartuna#

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