Women in an alienating artificial economic system created by men in a masculine world which was shaped into a masculine project

Women are subjected to various forms of violence and intimidation. The propaganda was mainly targeted at them so that they could shape the new masculine into the new non-masculine. The result is the chaos we have today.

Nowadays women make up the majority of the global workforce. They are the world’s most productive force. But, they are the world’s largest providers of care. But suddenly, their work did not work at all. Because men moulded the world into a project that was distinctly masculine; it was quite a deliberate process and mechanism.

Let’s have a look at such men like the English lawyer, statesman and empiricist philosopher Sir Francis Bacon for example (1561-1642) who had even managed to get elected to the House of Commons in 1584 with good connections as his uncle, for example, was Queen Elizabeth’s main minister. Bacon redefined knowledge and gave it a manly connotation. He believed that economic and military power flowed out of technology and first proposed the “linear model” for economic growth: science leads to technology which leads to wealth.

Francis Bacon made the case in his book The Advancement of Learning, published in 1605, that government support of science was necessary for economic expansion. The greatest technological breakthroughs of the era, according to Bacon, were made possible by yet another man, the Portuguese prince Henry the navigator of Portugal and his Henry the Navigator‘s exploration expeditions. Henry had set up a research laboratory to create the science and technology necessary for his ships to be able to travel the world, which was why Bacon believed the expeditions were successful. Although Henry made significant scientific discoveries throughout his explorations, as demonstrated by yet another man Sir Peter Russell in his 2001 biography Henry the Navigator, Henry had merely made use of the then-current technologies. Henry’s “research lab” was a PR gimmick intended to give the impression that Henry is an intelligent person.

However, the widely held belief that government investment of science is a prerequisite for economic progress is still maintained by Bacon’s reasoning. He stated that pure science is the foundation of applied science and that only governments could afford to support pure research due to its lack of immediate applications. According to Bacon’s arguments, which are now referred to as the “linear model,” government investment results in pure science, which then leads to applied science, which ultimately results in economic progress.

The definition of economy now includes everything that may be exchanged, used for commerce, and made profitable. According to their terms and conditions, this is economy which they constructed in the economic world that exists today and in which we must survive today. In a patriarchal society, caring for elderly parents or preparing meals for your kids is not considered labour. This won’t have a positive impact on the patriarchal economy. And so, they turned women also into a producing consumer and a consuming producer.

In this idea of the economy, growth occurs when you sell what you generate and acquire what you need. This is a profoundly alienating artificial economic system based on a restricted mechanistic concept that started by making capital real and reality unreal, giving corporations personality, and turning real individuals into non-persons. The economic collapse we are seeing all around us is one of the effects of this process, which is now approaching its mature stage.

And so, it must start now. The rise of true womanhood. The reshaping of a new world.

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