With every breath you take, they will be taxing you – with head taxes or carbon taxes

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and we’re Cutting Through the Matrix. Newcomers, look into cuttingthroughthematrix.com and download lots of talks and distribute them in fact. Copy and burn them and hand them out to people and they’re so cheap now, the discs, you can — it doesn’t matter how many don’t even bother listening to them. Occasionally a person here or there will and that’s how they get in touch with you eventually, if you put your number on them. Look into alanwattsentientsentinel.eu for transcripts that you can download too and pass around in the various languages including English of Europe. It’s December 10th, 2007.

Before I go into what everyone has been talking about recently and that is the new carbon taxes and the penalties they want to hit on you if you have too many children; extra money. It’s just a form of the head tax that they had already when Margaret Thatcher was in Britain, just a different name for it. Any old reason will do to penalize you and to make you very poor. However, today I was changing my telephone plan, the long distance one and it’s through Bell, Big Bell, Ma Bell, and you have the automatic runaround with the various automatic answers and questions and replies. In one part they said could you speak into this and say a sentence or something for voice print identification for future security reasons and of course I just kept quiet and then this automatic responder that’s programmed for all your different reactions said “we can return to that later.” So there you go. Now this isn’t new because they’ve been taking our voice prints since the 1950’s. They just didn’t tell you. Now they’re telling you to get you used to the fact that everything is being monitored. They want us all to know now. This is the age where all that was hidden will be shouted from the rooftops, all that was secret about you, that is, not about who’s running the world. It’s all to do with training you to automatically respond and accept that you’re just a meaningless little servile slave, a little worm, when authority asks for whatever they ask for, which is usually a demand. We’re all getting voice printed all the time and the National Security Association has been doing it since the 1950’s.

Now the main topic of course and that came out in Australia first, something that is quite amazing because Australia used to be quite an independent country with rugged individuals; and that was the key, it was individuals. They’ve changed over the years, too, like all countries, all countries that come under the Royal Institute for International Affairs. I’m going to read a little newspaper article here from News.com.au. It’s about the carbon tax, to save the planet, mind you, and it’s put out by some doctor into some medical journal about saving the planet and how to penalize the public for the carbon taxes according to how many children you have. It’s like that Police song. Interesting song by The Police, ‘I’ll Be Watching You’. It also had “Every Breath You Take” in it, and it should be “I’ll be Taxing You”. I’ll be back with more about this after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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