Why the masses are a problem (3)

“Now here’s an article that ties in with this because Barbara De Lollis in USA Today that talked about this. It’s also in Mark Baard’s ParallelNormal.com for December 5th and it’s to do with:

‘Continental Airlines passengers in Houston in Houston will be able to board flights using just a cellphone or personal-digital assistant instead of a regular boarding pass in a three-month test program launched Tuesday at Bush Intercontinental Airport. The program could expand to airlines and airports nationwide.’

Alan: As I say, ParallelNormal, Mark Baard’s blog, here he’s got:

‘Report: Travelers love being scanned.’

Alan: That’s the data they’re giving you or the PR that you love being scanned. It’s good for you. You’ll like it. It says:

‘Happy to help: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Continental Airlines tell USA Today that customers can aid the fight against terrorism by allowing security personnel to scan their mobile phones. Continental says travelers love ‘the convenience. ‘

Alan: Isn’t that wonderful? And here you thought it was about chatting to people across the world and asking them what they’re buying and what they’ve bought and what they’re going to buy and all that.

It says:

‘The Transportation Security Administration ’s scheme to scan mobile phones instead of boarding passes strikes me as high hackable.’

Alan: That’s what Mark thinks.

He says:

‘More significantly, it provides Homeland Security an excuse to point scanners at travelers’ mobile devices, which often contain their personal, and sensitive, private information.’

Alan: Well I do believe to be honest that most really won’t mind, because I’ve heard people at checkout counters being asked personal information and they just blurt it out like a repertoire to a checkout person. That’s quite incredible, or people that do polls on the phone and the person sitting next to you is blurting out all their personal data. It’s just amazing. Amazing isn’t it?

It says:

‘More significantly, it provides Homeland Security an excuse to point scanners at travelers’ mobile devices.’

‘Mark my words: this three-month pilot project is just the first of many that Homeland Security will launch to gain further access to the contents of mobile phones, even to commandeer them for intelligence and data gathering.’

Alan: Because that’s what their really for. It’s quite amazing. If they forced you to have a computer, if the governments gave them all for free and forced you all to have them, if they forced you to have a cell phone, you’d be suspicious. If you make it appealing and they make you want it and you pay for it, it doesn’t dawn on you you’re doing exactly what they want. It doesn’t dawn on the average person at all. Not at all. It’s fantastic how people go into this. Now I’ve even had emails from people who will only use PayPal or something. They call it “secure,” secure transference devices. “Secure.” There’s nothing secure in the internet. There’s NOTHING secure. I just talked to someone who had their bank account cleaned out by someone in Zaire and the person who was cleaned out lives in New York. But they still believe this propaganda that it’s secure. There’s nothing secure.

Some of the high levels in Britain there at the top government that deals with the public and the public information have lost umpteen discs recently out of their whole collection with the data of millions and millions of British people. It’s just gone somewhere. They know it’s been stolen. It didn’t get to its destination, put it that way, but people still think the internet and so on happens to be secure. That boggles the mind. The Pentagon had it for donkey’s years. So did the Soviet Union. They shared it before the public were given this internet. It’s called a net or a web.

Now what is a net and what is a web?

You get stuck on a web. You get stuck on it. Spiders catch you on a web you see, and a net the fish go into it and you pull the drawstring and they’re all caught in the net. They even use all this terminology and sexual terminology: hard drive, a floppy, ram, and so on. They’re laughing at us all the time as we parrot all this nonsense they give us, but isn’t it amazing as I say that people have no sense of indignancy anymore? People used to fight battles and have wars for the right of privacy. That was one of the main reasons supposedly, supposedly had the War of Independence in the United States. You see the British troops already could walk into any home in Britain with their rifles and bayonets and go through your whole home without any warrants and so they said they wanted privacy in their own home. Today they give it up happily. I’m Alan Watt and I’ll be back with more after the following messages.

Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and just complaining — it’s been a day for complaining, shoveling snow and then hauling wood up a hill and so on, but just looking at the general populace and how they’re going along with everything, as always. It’s almost like seeing the wolves encircling you and the sheep are all huddling closer and closer but pretending nothing is really happening, and that’s what gets most people. Yet everything that’s happening could literally be stopped, never will be by the people themselves but it could be stopped, whether it’s high gasoline prices or all this intrusiveness, just by non-compliance. If everybody would stop driving for a day you’d see the oil companies kick into gear and the prices drop right down. It’s the same thing with airports. Stop going to the airports and my goodness you’d see it clear up very, very quickly and they’d be calling you yes sir and madam again very, very quickly. No problem at all but you’ll never get the 80-odd percent of the public to go along with that, which the elite count on.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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