Why the masses are a problem (2)

“Yet they’ve trained as I say a generation through the school system to be prodded and searched and to walk through past equipment that looks through their clothing and now the adults are doing the same thing as though it’s all quite natural. There’s a whole bunch of television drama shows funded by the Pentagon or the BBC in England to train you into this through drama and fiction that this is all so normal, it’s normal behavior; but there’s nothing normal about it. They never had this during World War II or any other world war before that. They never had this kind of intrusion into everybody’s private life and it’s becoming the normal now because people are not indignant and Zbigniew Brzezinski said that in an interview to one of the big magazines what he thought about the people, would they ever revolt because of all the plans they had made at the top? He says, ‘What do I think of the people? He says, well you can kick them. You can beat them. You can starve them but do they do anything? He says, no, they just around and eat their dead.’ That was his opinion of the general population and these are the psychopathic creeps that are up there advising presidents and running all over the planet having real power, by the way, because that’s what Carroll Quigley said.

He said these people, these technocrats as they’re called, unelected technocrats wield the real power and they’re happy to know it and it keeps them out of the limelight a lot of the time. The politicians, the front men take the heat. They get the tomatoes thrown at them. They take the heat for what happens but the technocrats are the big movers and shakers and they never, as you notice, retire. They never retire. They put in 12 hours per day into their 80’s and 90’s. It’s quite incredible to live through this your whole life, watching everything happen, knowing the bulk of the populace around you, including your own parents when you’re growing up, don’t know. They don’t know what’s coming down on them and they’ve been trained to trust. Trust these ones that come out of special wombs up there somewhere above them that are altruistic and just love them and deal with all the big problems while they can play; and that’s what advanced socialism really means. It means perpetual childhood for everyone because experts beyond you, above you are dealing with all the big problems. You see, that’s what it’s all about, perpetual childhood for the people underneath them and unfortunately lots of people like that. They like that and if you could possibly get the airwaves of the entire planet and give them all the data showing them how this has all happened and where it’s going, most of them would vote the same system right back in, even if you told them it would only last a few years, they’d vote the same thing right back because it’s all they know.

People who belong to the majority are terrified of taking a risk or terrified of a change. They’ll do anything to stay put in their little world and play. They’re terrified of change of any kind and the technology that’s dished out, as I keep telling people, was not given for your benefit. The Pentagon had the Internet long before the public were given access to it. It was designed and set-up to create a world system of control, world system. Every single country on the planet and the data on every individual, all the data will be in that computer and they’ve already done a simulation. They have simulated matrix worlds where they have a double of you in that world with all the data which they’ve already acquired on you in that person.

Now they’re bringing out the video games where they can monitor your brain and actually map you individual brain to put into that same structure and one day you’ll go to sleep and you’ll wake up thinking you’re in the real world, but it will probably be the matrix world that you’re in. Quite something, isn’t it?”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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