Why Christine Lagarde’s appointment as President of the European Central Bank is illegal (4)

On the other hand, standing is also frequently used in a more normative sense to refer to a person with strong moral or social credentials, someone who inspires respect or admiration due to their beneficial influence or contribution. For example, passport applications in the UK need to be countersigned by a “person of standing” in the community, which is another word for “person of good standing,” though the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

It seems conceivable that the parties may have intended to use the term “standing” in this second acceptance based on non-English translations of the TFEU. For example, the Spanish text of the TFEU uses the term “prestigio,” which has a positive connotation and refers to the respect and admiration that come from a person’s reputation for high quality, success, or social influence, whereas the French version uses the term “autorité,” which indicates a person serving as a reference for others due to their excellence or seriousness.

Treaty interpretation standards involve consideration of the treaty’s background, including subsequent agreements between the parties and subsequent state practice, in the absence of a plain usual meaning or unambiguous party intention. To understand the meaning of article 283(2) TFEU, it is useful to examine how member states have interpreted the term “standing” in their own laws, such as national central banks’ [NCBs’] statutes.

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