When will Magistrate Monica Vella publish the Lands inquiry in which Jason Azzopardi is involved?

Referring to the VGH scandal, the former PN MP, who is also Repubblika’s lawyer, none other than Jason Azzopardi, wrote on his Facebook page “that charges had been presented against a large group of people.” He added that “A new chapter for Malta is being written.” A new chapter for Malta will be written when this wannabe Mr. Justice of hypocrisy and narcissism of the highest order keeps his mouth shut, and hopefully this island is free from anything he does, writes, and says.

“The charges are being filed on the back of a now-concluded magisterial inquiry into the concession which sold three government hospitals to Vitals Global Healthcare—a concession which later passed on to Steward Health Care and was last year declared as being fraudulent by a court and subsequently annulled.”

As typical of a hypocrite and narcissist of the highest order, Jason Azzopardi, who portrays himself and has even managed to convince himself that he is the prince of good governance and clean politics, never writes about what has happened to the magisterial inquiry, which dates back to 2013 in which he is involved. This was an investigation done “by former inspector Johnathan Ferris into trading in influence at the Lands Department” which is still the subject of a magisterial inquiry, but, please note that, as of 2015, Azzopardi has become legal counsel to the same Ferris, who could face charges of perjury over a recommendation from Egrant inquiry magistrate Aaron Bugeja. Now that Ferris is at his mercy, this is clearly a grave situation of conflict of interest in this inquiry. This is the type of rule of law that this clan of hypocrites, liars, and fraudsters of the highest order follows!

To add insult to injury, he deviates the attention of his followers to the PL, calling this yet another case of corruption in which he is involved, a non-story while portraying himself as the usual victim and hero:

What is this case in which Azzopardi is allegedly involved? This refers to the transfer of public land to private homeowners by the Lands Department in Cospicua Road, Għajn Dwieli, Paola. Back in 2020, the Attorney General’s office presented “seven court applications calling on Magistrate Monica Vella to give a clear explanation as to why a magisterial inquiry on fraud, trading in influence, and corruption opened in May 2013 has not as yet been concluded.”

“The Attorney General was replying to a request for clarification by Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi, the former parliamentary secretary for lands when the transfer took place.

The Attorney General confirmed with Azzopardi that the magistrate has been referred to Article 550 of the Criminal Code, which obliges a magistrate to report why an inquiry has not been finalised. The inquiry was initiated on 8 May 2013 after a report which alleged that public land had been transferred illegally was presented to the Police Commissioner, by the then parliamentary secretary responsible for lands, Michael Farrugia.

At the time the Commissioner of Police, Peter Paul Zammit, had instructed Inspector Jonathan Ferris to investigate the allegation. A day later, a magisterial inquiry was opened on the 9 May, and placed under the lead of Magistrate Giovanni Grixti. 

In 2015, the case was passed over to Magistrate Monica Vella after Grixti was elevated to Judge. Vella still presides over the inquiry.  

In 2015 Jason Azzopardi presented a court application calling on Magistrate Vella to close the inquiry, offering to assist her in the findings of the inquiry. He argued in his application that he had done nothing irregular and the whole process was above board and correct, and that failure to close the inquiry would turn the whole episode into a political controversy.”

This site asks why this wannabe lawyer is so privileged in court. I remind the readers that no criminal charges were filed against him each time he leaked chats from the court on which there was a ban. Last year Yorgen Fenech’s lawyers wrote to Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg stating that “uncontrolled sharing of documents has persisted from the beginning of proceedings to today.” They described Azzopardi as having undertaken “consistent actions in disseminating documents that have been sealed by court order.”

Has the court been hijacked by the PN’s establishment, headed by the Caruana Galizias, in cahoots with those in high positions of public office (former and present) of the PL establishment, through checkered lodges of the ‘apron brothers,’ turning the court into yet another tier in today’s society where evil doing is being done with impunity in broad daylight and goes unpunished by the same court?

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