When MEP Matteo Salvini posed a question to the European Parliament about chemtrails and geoengineering

It was back in July 2013 when Matteo Salvini, member of the Lega Nord (EFD) and who served as an MEP between 2004-2006 and, for two consecutive terms, 2009-2018, had posed a parliamentary question to the European Parliament about chemtrails and geoengineering.

The question was as follows:

“Question for written answer E-008804-13
to the Commission
Rule 117
Matteo Salvini (EFD)

Many in the international scientific community believe that the trails emitted by aircraft disperse toxic substances such as aluminium, barium and iron into the air, and are therefore extremely dangerous. The presence of these substances in the atmosphere and the effects that they have on humans — causing conditions such as Morgellons syndrome, which is already the subject of a parliamentary question (E‐002906/2012) — on flora and fauna and hence on the entire food chain, were illustrated during a seminar held at the European Parliament in March 2013.

Can the Commission explain how, from a scientific point of view, the continuous inhalation of heavy metals and the settling of these on the ground (contaminating water and food) do not adversely affect the efforts of Europe’s 500 million citizens to maintain a high quality of life?

Publicly available information on chemtrails and geo-engineering appears to be lacking. Documents explaining what geo-engineering is can only be found on the German Parliament’s website. Why is this kind of information being withheld in most of the Member States and by the Commission? What is the extent of the European Environment Agency’s involvement?

In September 2009 (answer to Written Question E-3730/2009 by Jim Higgins), the Commission said that it intended to follow scientific developments in this area and to take action once the impacts were better understood. Can the Commission indicate the current status of these scientific developments that it is following?

In September 2011 (answer to Written Question E-006621/2011 by Nessa Childers), the Commission pledged to ‘investigate the non-CO2 climate impacts of aviation’ and to ‘deliver such a proposal as part of comprehensive EU climate change policies in the future’. Can the Commission explain what progress has been made with these investigations and with this proposal?”


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