What is the meaning of Cain’s Europe and Cain’s peace that the Labour government and Ian Borg are giving you? (second part)

“And why are they doing that? Now they made the European immigration pact so that it is Europe that decides where immigrants and refugees go. It decides. They opened an office in Egypt and Tunis. You see – in Libya from where they come from – there is no office. There is this pact of immigrants. At the same time, while they are killing people with hunger without any condemnation from Malta about this, Malta has not yet condemned Israel.

The Americans are building a port and the Israelis are helping them. The Israelis are helping them. Why is this? Isn’t it to drag everyone out of there so they can take their gas supply and why does Europe need gas? Europe needs gas because the Americans attacked the gas pipelines coming from Russia and Germany used to get cheap gas. There are four pipes – three of them were damaged, and one of them is still in use but Germany did not open it. Poland shut off gas supply to Europe. Ukraine, out of two gas pipelines, closed one and Europe ran out of gas. So now, while there are many pretense with crocodile tears in Malta, which is at the front, while pretending recognition of the suffering Palestinians and not, and a lot of bullshit in the United Nations because people were killed.

Now do one plus one to understand what they have in mind. This is not a matter of going to the grocery store to buy canned tomato paste from which you didn’t find any and thus you go to another shop. This is gas whose supply has to be ordered and if you can’t get that supply, it will be stopped and there, where will you get it from? And Europe has no gas. It has no energy. And now it is trying to fight the Russians when it does not even have the energy needed to make the weapons itself. Insanity. These are truly crazy people and now that the elections are near, you must see to give an answer with your vote. The EU leaders are working against the people. Against the people. And they want to fight and they don’t have any raw materials, iron and so on. What did they come up with now? They want to destroy and crush fifteen-year-old cars because of the environment. Now when they crush them, they crush them wholly with tires, windscreens and all the plastic. And then all this must be burned.

Now if we come to depend on Israel for gas, you need to understand that these are religious extremists who think that if you are not Jewish, you are not even a human. You are just a human-shaped animal. And if you then do not bow your head and do not obey them – you do not obey their extremist religion – you can bet what they will do to you! Because look at what they are doing to Palestinians. Because this ‘God’ told them that it is their land. Now we all know that the Messiah came to take them back to the land. Instead they are capturing everyone and dragging them and starving them to death. Can you imagine what will happen if we become dependent on Israel for energy? And if an extremist Jew, a Zionist, will come and tell you, ‘Listen, God has created you for you to serve me.’ And you tell him, ‘I serve no di**h**d’. Can you imagine the consequences?!

We are in a lot of danger and we are at the edge. And hook at how many are against the Muslims? Probably they will be our salvation. But they have turned the people against the Muslims. They interfere everywhere. They did the same in Africa. They gave Saudi Arabia to Saud.

And Malta, instead of stepping up, is working with those who destroyed everything and everyone wherever they broke in. And then Ian Borg and Robert Abela want to make us swallow that they are working for peace. I am done for today.”

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