What is the meaning of Cain’s Europe and the Cain’s peace that the Labour government and Ian Borg are giving you? (first part)

In this series, Mario Borg explains what is the meaning when we say that the politicians are promising Cain’s peace and what is the meaning of the phrase Cain’s Europe.

“Hello friends. Today is 14th April 2024. Welcome. Yesterday Iran retaliated against Israel. And I want to explain one thing, because in Malta, while we have a government which is saying that it is working for peace and wants peace, in reality it has joined a clique of governments, as Mintoff used to call them ‘Of Cain,’ – criminals – that who have made massacres wherever they went. And the strategy that is going on in the Middle East and which is going right now in Eastern Europe, is all the fault of this same Cain’s clique and the results of their imperial and colonial policy. These, for about a hundred years, since World War One, or more, have always broke into countries, dividing them in half, so that to turn them against each other.

Let’s look at some examples. Let’s take Libya. In Libya there was Gaddafi who was thrown out and now there are two: there are those who are on the side of Tobruk and those who are on the side of Tripoli. Let’s take Egypt. They had the election where the Muslim Brotherhood won. They didn’t like it, and now they put this Mexican looking guy. I don’t know what the heck he is. Let’s take the Middle East – Syria, Lebanon and Jordan which were part of Syria. They divided Jordan and they divided Lebanon and they separated them. Kuwait was part of Iraq. They moved it from Iraq. They also divided Bahrain. The same happened in the Emirates, the UAE. They also tried to divide Iraq into three parts – the Sunni, the Shia and the Kurti but they did not succeed because then Iran got in the way fighting ISIS which was created by Cain’s same clique.

They wanted to do the same in Russia. And who approached it? Isn’t it Cain’s approach that started eroding slowly towards Russia? They seized them, went in to disperse them, threw Israel in the way and threw all the Jews into one place. Before the Jews were dispersed in society and living with normal people. And now whoever is criticising the Zionists, like for example the Orthodox Jews, is being massacred by the government. This has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. It is the Zionists who hate the Semitic people, both Jews and Arabs. And Malta is now immersed, and thrown on the front row, because Malta’s position in the OSCE is on guard for ‘security.’ They are on guard for ‘security’ and you should know what they mean by ‘security.’ They are talking that they are working for peace and this and that, while now they have met in Switzerland to negotiate peace but the Russians were not even invited.

All the crisis that we are witnessing was created by Cain’s clique. They destroy a place, they then flee and destroy another place. What did they do in Palestine? What are they doing in Palestine? In Palestine they first told everyone to relocate to the south, and after they relocated, they were attacked. They thought that Egypt will open its borders so that people will flee to Egypt. And why? Because there is a lot of gas supply close to Gaza. And this is why Hamas is terrorist. Hamas will never give gas to anyone if its people will be at a disadvantage. But look at Fatah, which is recognized as one that governs in Palestine – it was placed there because it serves their interests, because it is liked, because it only got a 2% vote in the election. Fatah has signed and Britain is being supplied with gas. There is an English company which is taking care of it. This is why they labelled Hamas as terrorists just like they labelled Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was not the kindest, but when he served their agendas and interests, he was treated as a friend and when he stood his grounds, they turned against him.”

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