We need to regain our human kind of empathy if we want to come out from the belly of the beast

Alan: “Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we’re talking to Dan from California who’s involved in the making of some of these types of games, and you had a question you wanted to ask.

Dan: Well I guess the question is — I’ve been listening to the show for a while and everybody calls in. You have all this information about everything that’s coming down. It’s all true and people ask me where’s the future of video games going? I say go to cuttingthroughthematrix.com and you’ll learn all about the future of gaming and people want — the question is well how do we stop this? What do we do about that and as I began to think about that I thought well okay I’m going to study Karate because we’ve got the Blackwater guys moving in right down the street from us, so I’m like okay I’ve got to get my kung fu together and then thinking well these guys have got bullet proof vests and M16’s. You better start going to the firing range, right? So then you start going to the firing range but in order to fight these guys you have to shoot first. You can’t wait to counter shoot.

Alan: See, this has been the problem all down through the ages. You always get the people at the bottom fighting the organized army from the people at the bottom because they’re just the offspring of us, you see, who are trained and brainwashed and the guys at the top sit back and laugh at this because they don’t take part in the actual physical stuff, but what they do need and this is the big trick to everything. They need us to acquiesce to everything they want us to do in the society they lead us into, so in other words, they need our permission. In fact they want us to be enthusiastic about going into this Brave New World and we’ve got start and turn around now in our private lives and start saying no to different things that they demand from us, regardless of how many people in the majority go along with it. Those who have functioning brains have to use them and simply say no and you’d be surprised how that starts to grow. Most people are followers. When they see someone standing up and saying, no, that’s enough, in this particular direction or that direction, then they feel a bit more courageous and they’ll change allegiance to those who are standing up and saying no. That’s what we must do in a peaceable way because they need us to acquiesce to every part of the agenda or they lose it.

Dan: Well that’s the big question. How do you fight the psychopath without becoming a psychopath?

Alan: You can’t just become one and you must use the traits they don’t have. They don’t have love for their fellow man, for instance, so you have to be real with yourself and if you truly feel the caritas, as they call it, for humanity, you must show it and let people know that it’s all right to show it. See the society that has been created has made us isolated and so we’re afraid of showing about how we feel about other people. It’s time that we regained that and brought it to the surface.

Dan: Alan, did you say caritas?

Alan: Yes. It’s love for your fellow human basically.

Dan: It’s pretty scary to love one of these Blackwater guys coming through and saying you’ve got to have the chip.

Alan: I’m not talking about — I’m talking about the general public that you want to help. Not these characters. These guys are conditioned and when they’ve had enough slaughter and all the rest of it, it’s only then the shock sets in and they go to pieces. That’s what conditioning does. It’s very scientifically done to them. They’re like robots and that’s why in all the Star Wars movies that you had, the series of Star Wars, they’re always portrayed almost like robots. They’re faceless numbers. They’re just uniform. That’s what a uniform is. It all becomes one. They’re not individuals anymore. They’re uniformly made so you’ve got to bypass them and go to the ones above and it’s the ones who lead them and demand that you give allegiance to this system that you must stand up to and say no we’re not going along with this because we know what’s happening. These are the guys we must go to. The soldier at the bottom has got to be bypassed or you simply have the guys at the bottom fighting the guys at the bottom, as always.

Dan: You’re really starting to go beyond, like you almost go into spiritual occultic type of a war that’s happening beyond the physical sometimes, I think.

Alan: We’re in it. There’s more to humanity than — at least than there used to be for most, than simply the basic instincts and it can be brought out again in people. You see this in times of real disasters. Not the man made ones. The people naturally want to go and help each other. They do that naturally because it’s the survival instinct, by helping others you help yourself.

Dan: I think you’re absolutely right. That’s the only way with this kind of humane kind of empathy that you talk about on your show as almost like a weapon against the psychopath.

Alan: It is a weapon because what they have tried to do and been pretty successful is to get everyone into a psychopathic culture of dog-eat-dog until we are isolated from everyone else and we walk past people on the streets without helping them if they fall down. That’s the society that’s been created. It’s all wrong. It’s not human or humane and it’s time that we regained that because we are capable of doing it.

Dan: I mean when I run into these guys especially these politicians coming through with their security guys into my little game company and they’ve got real guns and my shackles go up and I want to stop them from hurting people.

Alan: Yes and we’ve got to do it now before it gets to the stage where they will start hurting people and that’s what we see happening all over. They’ve made the super-structure. They’re getting everything in place for something they know is coming step-by-step as they unleash a form of hell on us and then offer us the solution. That’s why the Department of Defence in Britain the top think tank projected nothing riots by ordinary people in all countries for the next 20 to 30 years.

Dan: What on earth do they have planned that’s going to cause such chaos?

Alan: This is a 100 years war according to Rumsfeld and others and they plan to have their whole brand new system of the new Borg all complete by the end of that 100 years, so we’ve got to say, no, we’re stopping it right now. That’s unacceptable.

Dan: Sometimes it makes me sick that I’ve been part of this. I made these games.

Alan: You know this again is a system we’re in, this darn thing called money, they’ve given people no other way to get through this system without money.

Dan: I had to do that to buy your DVD, you know?

Alan: People get compromised. People become sharks themselves because they’re terrified of poverty. That’s what money does in a monied system. You’re terrified of poverty and that’s what makes you inhumane to your fellow man.

Dan: Well I’m really happy that you have this show. It has the reverse effect of those games. When I listen to your show somehow I calm down and I begin to think differently and read differently.

Alan: It’s deprogramming and that’s what we need is lots of deprogramming to regain that which we’re capable of having. It’s innate within us. It’s time it woke up and regained its right in this world.

Dan: Anyway I hope that a lot of my co-workers are going to your website and looking at it because we’re in the belly of the beast.

Alan: Yes and a lot of people are compromised. A lot of people are going through problems at the moment with their conscience at the moment as they understand what they’re actually involved in. Thanks for calling.

Dan: Yes, thanks Alan.

Alan: Bye now.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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