Updated: Follow the white line – David Casa and his cocaine habit allegations

Please read here.

Among those nine members of Casa’s staff who signed the statement that throughout their duration of their employment with MEP David Casa, they never witnessed any of the cocaine allegations, I remarked that coincidentally I happened to have dated a man whom I had met in the sports arena who coincidentally happened to have the same name and surname of one of these nine members.

I remarked that this date lasted only one time, until he took out the white powder and followed-the-white-line too, asking me to follow too. I didn’t of course. But it is just a common name and surname that they share – and the white line – and I am sure it is just a coincidence.

Well, I am sure it is just another coincidence considering that this man of the same name and surname whom I dated who happened to have the same name and surname of one of those nine members mentioned above, happened to also appear sometimes at the bar where I worked and hang with Casa’s gang.

But I am sure these are just coincidences in the gravy train of booze and coke where those who follow-the-white-line, line themselves together in the queue to follow-the-white-line, with Casa’s blessing.

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