UK government launches ‘crisis preparedness campaign’

The British are being prepared for another crisis preparedness in case of a new pandemic, natural disaster or nuclear war.

On Tuesday 21st May the Daily Mail, among other British media portals like the Times reported that families will “be urged to stockpile three days’ worth of food and water to help build national ‘resilience.'”

“Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden will advise people to make contingency plans for dealing with potential emergencies such as prolonged power cuts, cyber attacks and floods.”

“Last year, Mr Dowden said people should stock up on ‘analogue capabilities’, such as candles, torches and wind-up radios, to boost their ‘personal resilience’.”

On the 21st, Oliver Dowden went further to encourage “people to stock up with enough food and water to survive for three days without leaving their homes.” Lockdowns anyone? Climate emergency lockdowns anyone? Food shortages anyone? Fearmongering? Predictive Programming? Or is it just another test, like Covid-19, to check on how far will the masses go?

Whitehall insiders emphasized that the goal of the plan was not to produce a population of survivalists a la US. One claimed that Mr. Dowden’s counsel was just “common sense” and wasn’t intended to be “alarmist.”

Ministers think that when it comes to handling a crisis, private family preparedness will assist relieve some of the strain on the emergency services. Additionally, they hope that it could prevent the kind of panic buying that occurred before the beginning of the Covid epidemic, when basic supplies of products like toilet rolls were emptied from shop shelves.

Mr. Dowden has drawn inspiration from such plans in nations like Finland, which use a “72-hour concept” to deal with circumstances in which “society’s services are disrupted or even discontinued.” Tell it to the marines! Their usual doublespeak! They know that more crises are coming and with the diabolical WHO pandemic treaty, no nation and no government will have a say.

Food and water should be stocked, and Finns should be ready to “shelter indoors” by caulking window gaps and “waiting calmly for instructions” over the radio.

Mr. Dowden unveiled a “emergency alert” system last year that enables law enforcement to sound a warning on millions of cell phones in the event of a possible emergency.

It follows the Prime Minister’s warning last week that Britain was at a security “crossroads” and was about to enter “some of its most dangerous years.” Rishi Sunak identified a new axis of anti-Western governments that includes China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran when describing the growing threats. Artificial intelligence and the increase in immigration were two other issues.

Covid-19 was an IQ test and many failed the test. The above is also another IQ test. Do not fail it. Whatever is coming, whatever they are planning, do not comply.

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