Times of Malta gives you another article in a week’s time selling you again the Long-Covid lie

“Local media is silent about AstraZeneca admittance in court of vaccine harm. Times of Malta keeps on giving you the Long-Covid lie.” You can read here.

Just a few days after its article “‘I’m still dizzy and exhausted’: the long-COVID patients who remain trapped,” published on 2nd May, the lying mainstream media Times of Malta sells you again this crap.

In its article published yesterday, titled, “Long COVID still an issue three years on – study” TOM points out to the “common symptoms which include abnormal taste of food, loss of smell and fatigue.”

Both articles selling you the Long-Covid lie were written by the same Times of Malta journalist, Fiona Galea Debono.

Two articles about this crap were published in a matter of a few days. Dear Ms Galea Debono, do you have anything to publish about the tsunami of harm and deaths that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused? You can start with thrombosis, which was acknowledged by AstraZeneca in court. Yet, Times of Malta is still silent about this.

Galea Debono quotes another of those studies in which the findings have to match with those supplying the money. Follow the money, and you will find “science.” It is another study whose findings mirrored exactly the findings of those giving it the paycheck.

Did this study follow the true scientific method? How can these doctors doing such studies team together to create scientific controlled group experiments? Did they follow the vaccinated with ‘active pharmacovigilance’ or no? Because they should have but they won’t and they don’t. Do they know that the PCR tests were a fraud? So how can you prove the existence of Long-Covid if we don’t have even the proof of Covid?

These paid doctors and scientists either have no clue what is going on or they know and they are compromised. And Times of Malta parrots along with such doctors and scientists, to keep on feeding you lies.

Times of Malta is still pushing fearmongering and anyone who does, should be prosecuted for fake news, conspiracy theories, and false reporting.

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