Updated: The VGH magisterial inquiry is already prejudiced

I have no doubt in my mind that the VGH magisterial inquiry is already prejudiced.

In every shocking scandal that was leaked out to the nation under the helm of this government, from Panama to Pilatus to Egrant Inc. to the latest VGH, we had the same corrupt government saying pretty much the same repeated statement which is now becoming a cliché: all is fake, all is a lie.

Fake or not, one thing we should keep in mind: this is misappropriation of taxpayers’ money, your money, dear honest working citizen of good faith.

Fake or not, one thing we should keep in mind: we have corrupt people in public office, elected or not, who broke the law. And yet, we get these same corrupt people in public office, elected or not, who somehow adjust their conscience to convince themselves and you that they always acted with integrity when they were in public office, while they jump through plenty of mental hoops according to the size of their mental steeple and capacity.

Il-qażba ma ċċaqċaqx għalxejn. There is something evil in their game of corruption that is ongoing and which we need to tap into, so hopefully we can bring the self-evident truth to light. If none of the elected MPs have anything to do with the VGH deal, then the corrupt MPs must also tell us who negotiated it, who transferred the payments, and so forth.

In the VGH deal, the corrupt MPs are innocent. Yes, everyone is presumed innocent until the law decides otherwise. But we have another problem here – which is the court and the same law. How and why?

We read how Chris Fearne told the journalists yesterday, while making his way to keep on lying in court, that back in 2016, he asked the Auditor General to investigate the concession of three hospitals. The Auditor General back then had carried out the investigation with great detail, and the investigation exonerated him from any guilt and from any shadow of guilt.

And so, added Fearne, he was going to start his defense so that what the Auditor General showed, he would show it in court.

He is showing in court a prejudiced investigation—the lies that echoed in Valletta’s walls and streets thanks to Fearne’s compulsive, lying tongue, will be finding their way in court while he swears the oath of honesty.

Why am I stating so? Because any investigations done under this government are not to be trusted.

We go back to the same year, 2016, when the Attorney General in 2016 was Peter Grech who coincidentally happened to be also the chairman of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit. He was the same one to prepare reports in the activities of Keith Schembri and his associates (Konrad Mizzi, Brian Tonna) – reports which were then buried by former Commissioner of Police Lawrence Cutajar. A reminder that he is the same Cutajar mentioned in the Degiorgio brothers’ press release as being involved in high-profile crimes. The Degiorgios also mentioned the involvement of lawyers. Is the Attorney General one of such ‘lawyers’?

Please read a very good article by The Shift News about Peter Grech, an article and a Grech who I will tackle in another piece, so please bear with me. Grech was appointed by a Nationalist administration in 2010, and kept his position thanks to Joseph Muscat. He is also “regarded in the legal community as having been one of the weakest Attorney Generals to have occupied the position,” but despite his bad reputation, he was given a contract with an increase in his income, which left him in a position “‘to represent’ the justice ministry, and hence the government” with the blessing of Robert Abela.

The Shift team had also reported that Grech had “instructed the police to go slow on any related investigation. He had also advised against the seizure of the servers of Nexia BT, Brian Tonna’s accounting firm that set up the Panamanian and New Zealand financial structures.”

We’re not in good and safe hands, chaps. Grech is the same one who protected Keith Schembri and his associates when it came to chairing the FIAU and prepared reports into the activities of Keith Schembri and his associates.

We’re not in good and safe hands, chaps. Grech is the same one who protected Keith Schembri and his associates by instructing the police, under the helm of former Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar, to go slow on any related investigation, with the blessing of the same Lawrence Cutajar. Both Cutajar and Grech are Schembri’s protective puppets, and Schembri is again another common factor in the VGH scandal.

We’re not in good and safe hands, chaps. Same as Grech, the Auditor General slept upon the VGH investigation, which Fearne appointed him to do, taking him bloody seven years to carry out, while making sure to exonerate the same Fearne from all guilt.

We’re not in good and safe hands, chaps, when we start slowly, slowly, seeing the spiders involved in weaving the cobweb of high-profile crimes and their corruption who are high-profile officials and high-ranking officers while they run a high-profile criminal syndicate in Malta, side-tracking justice!

And so I am going to ask the multi-million dollar question to the Auditor General just like a question I would do to Grech* – did you, with your tainted investigations, seek to protect Fearne because of internal pacts because it is clear that yet again we are going to have a situation where, thanks to the complete masonic infiltration at every tier of society, including high-profile offices, evil-doing and corruption will go unpunished because the investigation done by Grech* about Schembri and his associates were tainted and so I would like to ask the Auditor General if the investigation he made about Fearne is also tainted, and hence Fearne’s pathetic lies uttered on Valletta’s streets will find their way in the court because the VGH magisterial inquiry is already prejudiced!*

Updated: Apologies for the revised and amended article. I understand that Fearne asked the Auditor General to do an investigation but the Auditor General must first tell us why is it that Fearne did not ask why his government had signed a shady deal for the VGH deal, “with an untested new outfit called, pretentiously, Vitals GLOBAL Healthcare” when Fearne didn’t even bother to find out who the actual shareholders are behind that secret company registered in the British Virgin Islands, or why his government colleagues signed that deal in the first place” and thus, the Auditor General must also give us an explanation as to why Fearne is being protected just like Grech protected Schembri and his associates. And thus I keep on reiterating that the magisterial inquiry is already prejudiced.

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