The transition phases – when they alter your culture and your morals or anything that goes in to create a new culture

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on December 7th, 2007. Newcomers, look into and if you can handle it you can get a lot of the truth there of the events leading up to the present situation in the world, why things are really happening, the organizations that bring it about, and download them for free. You can also look into where you can download transcripts in the tongues of Europe and you can pass those around to your friends because that’s how information is really spread. It’s generally from people or to people where trust is concerned. It’s very different when you’re a bodiless voice on the airwaves and you’d be surprised at what goes on in the airwaves. I won’t go into it; but when you actually know people or meet people in your life, they can see you. They can see the body language. They can see if you’re genuine or not, they have more of an idea, and use intuition. You should pass around transcripts or even burn some of the talks to
disc and pass them around.

What’s interesting to me is that so many of the young people are catching on to what’s been happening in their lives and no wonder, because really for 100 years we’ve had this mad pace, this crazy pace of change, cultural change, which when you’re born into a transition phase as they call it today. That’s what they call it in sociology, transition phases, when they’re altering your culture and your morales or anything that goes in to creating that culture. When they’re changing that into the next one they keep you in a state of massive confusion and fear while they bring it about and you adapt to it quite casually in fact. You adapt because everyone else is adapting and that’s how you judge yourself, is how well you’ve adapted according to other people and if you think the same things as they do then you think you’re quite sane and this is a science. It’s actually a science that is taught in very, very high schools and the kind of schools that you won’t have access to, but the people who become the technocrats attend. That’s what they attend, these particular types of schools where they’re taught and they’re picked very young in fact for their careers and for their role in this particular type of system.

They’re given archives of information on human behavior, way beyond what was ever given out by Freud or any of the analysts. Even way beyond Skinner. Skinner went into behaviorism and how to alter the behavior of vast amounts of people by altering things in their environment. That’s how you adapt. Things alter in your environment and you adapt quite easily, and so they broke down everything that creates culture. What is culture? What are the standard beliefs that become the norms that everyone adapts to? Once they understood all that a long, long time ago, they realized they could reintroduce new normals which would then be adapted to and within a generation they would replace the old normals and once again the new normals would be taught as gospel truth. It’s no joke; look back in the Middle Ages when people were burned at one time if they questioned the church. They were burned as witches or heretics, and today, if you go against this system, you’re condemned just the same way and simply eliminated or put in prison. I’ll be back with more of this after the following messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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