The sorry state of some streets in our beautiful capital city, Valletta

Prime Minister Robert Abela is on record saying that the investment poured into our beautiful capital city, Valletta by these eleven years of his government, has completely changed the city, which was found in a disastrous state.

Let’s face it. Valletta was a ghost city during the PN twenty-fiveth term of governance. So, Prime Minister Robert Abela does have a point. But, I am sure everyone agrees that Valletta has become too commercialised with the squatting of public space by restaurants and their outdoor tables and chairs, loud music and other nuisances to the detriment of the residents and their well-being. Prime Minister Abela should see how to rewind this new image of the city, which was turned into another pro-business machine by a pro-business government.

On another note, there are some streets in the city which are in such a sorry state. Here are photos of Old Theatre Street, which is close to the Grandmaster’s Palace and the Bibliotheca. This means that we are not talking about a remote area, although all areas should be kept up to high standards. But this is a prominent area where you have endless non-stop passersby, not some remote corner on the less frequented side of this UNESCO-clad city.

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